EndNote Installation


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EndNote Installation

Michael Janakis, MLIS

Downloading & Installing

Downloading Steps Overview•Getting Started:

•Multipass is required as download is from DORI•Once in DORI Click Index > Campus Services > Computer Store > Software Downloads

•Scroll to the bottom of the CTS Software Download Page to find EndNote.  Click Download Windows or Download Mac accordingly.

Downloading Step 1: DORI/Multipass

Go to the Index in DORI

Select Campus Services

Select “Computer Store”

Select “Software Downloads”

Download the version most appropriate for your computer

The installer should launch automatically

Accept all defaults through the install process and select “Finish”


Getting Help

•http://ask.library.duq.edu – site for 24/7 help from Gumberg Librarians or partners at Gumberg

•EndNote LibGuide on Library website

Contact Info

Michael Janakis, MLIS

janakism@duq.edu(412) 396-6133
