Ems - Summer I ’11 - T101 Lecture 22: Reality: The Panotpticon & The Matrix




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T101 Day 23 (only 4 left)!

Welcome to Summer

Panopticon The Matrix

Pick your reality

Media Life: The point of it all

Media are not separate from life.

Media are…

We are creators of media as much as we are consumers

Our lives are saturated by media. It’s all around us.

The places we are are both virtual and physical – cybernetic space

We are members of the creative class

What are CreativCities?

economic activity



Our Cities Are Creative

economic activity



Ok. We think about media differently now.

What can we do with this new understanding?

Before we can answer that. We have to know two things:

1. What is it that we can do something to? Or, what is reality?

2. What is our role in that reality?

We all know maps are flawed. Map makers have to make choices.Maps cut out details so that they are useful and easy to understand.


This class: 45%

Or is reality just mine?

“They took the hypothesis of the virtual for an irrefutable fact and transformed it into a visible phantasm. But it is precisely that we can no longer employ categories of the real in order to discuss the characteristics of the virtual.” Baudrillard

What is real?-The Matrix

We don’t know what is real any more.The only thing we can do is just create more reality.

Baudrillard’s problem with the Matrix- Zion a real (human) city.

Pick your reality

Media Life: The point of it all
