Emotional intelligence slides


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+Brock 2016 Wellness Day Conference

Emotional Intelligence: How Do I Score?

HappyPearl Jacobson, Science Librarian, y

Ian Gordon

How well do you perform under pressure? Can you manage your emotions when expressing your opinion, dealing with difficult issues and problematic people?

This session is a group exercise to be better informed of “How well we can manage our own emotions and deal with the emotions of others.”

Through practical examples and discussion, participants will better understand their emotional intelligence when providing service, dealing with work-related and personal issues.

Emotional intelligence is quite simply the ability to understand, express and manage your own emotions, develop and maintain good social relationships, and think clearly and solve problems under pressure.

Carolyn Stern. (2014). Leading with Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace. (YouTube video)

Source: http://psychology.about.com

Source: http://www.careerealism.com/tag/bad-boss/

Source: http://psychology.about.com

Emotional intelligence is quite simply the ability to understand, express and manage your own emotions, develop and maintain good social relationships, and think clearly and solve problems under pressure.

Carolyn Stern. (2014). Leading with Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace. (YouTube video)

Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence Developing high emotional intelligence (EI) is incredibly important. When we have high levels of EI, we're able to build strong working relationships and manage difficult situations more effectively.

Emotion intelligence or quotient (EQ) is categorized by several competencies including:

1. Self-awareness.

2. Self-regulation.

3. Social awareness or empathy.

4. Decision making.

5. Stress management.

Identify the greatest challenge you are facing.

How best can you monitor and manage this challenge while controlling your emotional reactions?

Source: http://https://images.google.com/

Kreamer, A. (2011, April 4). Go Ahead — Cry at Work. Time. Retrieved from http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2061242,00.html

Emotional intelligence is quite simply the ability to understand, express and manage your own emotions, develop and maintain good social relationships, and think clearly and solve problems under pressure.

Carolyn Stern. (2014). Leading with Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace. (YouTube video)

+Brock 2016 Wellness Day Conference

Emotional Intelligence: How Do I Score?

HappyPearl Jacobson, Science Librarian, y

Ian Gordon
