Emerging trends in education



Video games can be used in education to enhance the interest of the people of all ages

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As technology plays a larger role in education, any predictions concerning the future of education must include an analysis of technological trends Playing games is an important part of our social and mental development. Students rated game elements such as logic, memory, visualization and problem solving as the most important game elements. Such elements are integral to adventure games and are also required during the learning process.

The Newspapers are dying. Mass media is going micro (hulu+ blogs + twitter) Characteristics of the old model of learning (top-

down banking model,one way, based in classroom, only for elites)

BYO Laptop

Mobile phones

Language Learning Athletics & Arts


Work & Family Needs

Self-diagnostic Interactivity Immersion Competition Focus

Video Games Helps to Improve these Five Things Learning Process

Videogames have great positive potential in addition to their entertainment value and there has been considerable success when games are designed to address a specific problem or to teach a certain skill.

Right now in the U.S. we are facing a crisis where we’re going to run out of engineers in the future due to the shortage of engineering students.

Video games aid in improving skills in science because they help with experimental learning, inquiry based learning, self efficacy, goal setting, cooperation, and continuous feedback.

Surgeons are using the Nintendo Wii to help them understand step-by-step procedures better so that will benefit their surgery performances.

In one small study, medical educators found out that surgeons who played the Nintendo Wii beforehand, and performed virtual gallbladder surgery, scored 48% higher than those who didn’t play the game beforehand

Across the United States and Europe, military researchers are busily exploring potential video games.

In the past soldiers have learned their trade by sweating and straining on the training fields, but in today's world they will also be able to learn how to fight through video games.

New research suggests videogames linked to brain-wave biofeedback may help children with attention deficit disorders. Biofeedback teaches patients to control normally involuntary body functions such as heart rate by providing real-time monitors of those responses. “It is vital that we continue to develop the positive potential of videogames while remaining aware of possible unintended negative effectswhen game content is not prosocial”

Self-esteem Self-concept Goal-setting Individual differences

“Students need guidance when using games and simulations”

Using technology can change the way teachers teach. Some teachers use

Technology in 'teacher-centered' ways...On the other hand, some teachers use

Technology to support more student-centered approaches to instruction, so that

Students can conduct their own scientific inquiries and engage in collaborative

Activities while the teacher assumes the role of facilitator or coach."
