Embedded Librarians: Incorporating the "New" Library into Online Courses


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Embedded Librarians

Embedded Librarians

Heather BlicherVCCS Distance Education Peer Group ConferenceReynolds Community CollegeRichmond VA, October 9-10, 2015

Incorporating the New LibraryInto Online Courses

HELLOHeather BlicherOnline Learning LibrarianNorthern Virginia Community CollegeExtended Learning Institute (ELI)

My name is Heather Blicher and Im the Online Learning Librarian at Northern VA Community College; Im the librarian at the Extended Learning Institute, dedicated solely to online learners. One of the main responsibilities of my position is to run the embedded librarian program.

I want to start by saying, Im not an expert in embedded librarianship. My experiences with it started with small projects, working with faculty on pilot projects in a select number of classes. Since joining NOVA at the end of 2014, Ive experienced being embedded on a much larger scale, which led me to throw myself into maintaining the current embedded program and figuring out how to advance it while still keeping it sustainable for 1 full-time librarian and 1 part-time library assistant to maintain. Its an ongoing learning process.

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What is an embedded librarian?

So, what is an embedded librarian? Let me start by saying that embedded librarians are not new to academia, but I think the approach to building a sustainable program is new and becoming more fine-tuned as the technology develops.

When youthink aboutlibrarians

When you think about librarians, you might picture them in a place like this. Holed away with aisles of dusty and crowded stacks of books.

Or maybehere

Or maybe here...Toiling away doing research by dim the lamplight.

...a distinctive innovation that moves the librarians out of libraries and creates a new model of library and information work.

Shumaker, D. (2012). The Embedded Librarian: Innovative strategies for taking knowledge where its needed. Medford, New Jersey: Information Today, Inc.

Well, none of these stereotypes are correct, but especially not for an embedded librarian. Embedded librarianship is defined as, a distinctive innovation that moves the librarians *out* of libraries and creates a new model of library and information work.

It is taking the librarian *out* of the library and providing services at the point-of-need, which for us is usually virtual. It is constantly adapting to trends and technology to find better ways to support students and faculty.

While Im in a unique situation at ELI where my focus is online students, I have been a traditional reference and instruction librarian having to find spare time to to focus on embedded efforts. There are many levels and models of embedded librarianship---and working with your librarian to determine how they can contribute is key.

Build Relationships with FacultyShared GoalsCustomized ContributionsEmbedded Librarian Chart adapted from Shumaker, D. (2012). The Embedded Librarian: Innovative strategies for taking knowledge where its needed. Medford, New Jersey: Information Today, Inc.

So, instead of waiting for the students and faculty to come to us, embedded librarians are proactive in building strong working relationships with faculty, working together towards shared goals, and contributing customized content. Well get to the customized content in just a a minute.

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Why Embed Librarians

Libraries have established services for face-to-face students that include instruction, reference assistance, and course support; however, they lack strategy to reach online students.Online Students Need Equivalent Library Support

Librarians Can Enhance Your Course...enable librarians to demonstrate their expertise as information specialists and to apply this expertise in ways that will have a direct and deep impact.in Online Classes?

You might ask, why embed librarians in online classes? Here are 2 reasons:#1) Online students need equivalent library supportWhile libraries have well-defined strategies to reach face-to-face students, they are lacking in doing the same with online students. And can even treat online students as secondary---especially when you have students standing in front of you needing help--they take priority over a distance student.#2) Librarians can enhance your coursesWe have an expertise and can apply this to your classes, to have a direct and lasting impact.

Embedded Librarian Program @ NOVA

While Embedded Librarianship is not new, it is constantly evolving. Especially for the purposes of distance education, embedding a librarian in your course can change based on one upgrade in technology or one trend we decide to follow.

Background Info

Program stalled after librarian left in SP14 and basic upkeep resumed with part-time library assistant FA14

New librarian hired end of FA14; now in transitional period maintaining current program, but strategically assessing future

Embedded program started SU13 with 1 dedicated librarianProcesses relied heavily on data entry-like tasks

To give you a little background info on NOVAs program:

#2) Processes relied heavily on data entry tasks.Manually enroll as TA in every course sectionIndividually post every post to discussion forum

Summer 2013 to Present

To give you an idea of the timeline and growth of the program, here are the sections and courses p/ semester.So imagine, in SP15 with 1 full-time librarian and a part-time library assistant, we were embedded in 50 courses and 158 sections. That means we were individually locating each course and section to enroll ourselves as a TA, then again, individually setting-up content in each section. It was extremely time intensive and between the 2 of us, we calculated it took about 3 weeks at the beginning of the semester to get it set-up, and then at least a day each week to post weekly content.

Quick Growth

From FA14 to FA15:

22% growth in courses

62% growth in course sections

So, when I came on board in Dec of 2014, I immediately started asking questionslooking for ways to streamline what I considered to be data entry tasks. Online faculty were excited that there was a librarian again and sought me out requesting to be a part of the program. I didnt want to turn away faculty, but I also knew that this was not something I could sustain.

While I wanted to advance the program, I knew this would not be sustainable, so I sought out guidance from our Blackboard administrator and course design assistants for help in this. We found ways to streamline tasks.

Its still a work in progress, but I can say that during the FA15 semester, it was not as frantic a pace in that area.


Customized Contributions

This is a screen shot of the ELI Library webpage. So, in addition to using technology to streamline tasks, I also developed an online form for faculty and instructional designers to request library services---the customized contributions. And also had other important info for faculty and students in one place. The links to my OER online guide, streaming video info, and the online form dont take the place of my interactions with faculty, but they help me to streamline my day-to-day tasks better.

Host a discussion forum within the course.


A couple of examples of what an embedded librarian can contribute to your class:A discussion forum; for most classes we have pre-planned Ask a Librarian discussion forum posts that are meant to engage and assist students in the class, for example, if students are beginning to research for an assignment, we post suggested databases and research strategy to help them get started.

For some classes, the professor wants us there only as a quick go-to for students to ask questions.

Create course-specific online guides as a resource to students.


Online guides are customizable and if linked within the course, a student can check it any point throughout the semester for help. This is a guide I created for a new OER course offered onlineand I consulted with the lead faculty and instructional designers that were creating the course.

Schedule live library webinars to assist students with research assignments.


Live webinars; some are required by professors and others give extra credit, but either way, its a good opportunity for an online student to have direct and live contact with their librarian. Although they dont have a specific physical library to go to---they have a dedicated librarian ( and we want them to remember that!).

Create tutorials to be linked or embedded within the course.


And lastly, video tutorials I think are the most helpful. Unlike live webinars, the students can watch these any time and theyre usually broken down into small segments so that they dont get information overload. These can be embedded within the course itself, or embedded within the online guide or discussion forum.

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ConsiderationsTime Commitment

Requires tremendous time commitment from librarian(s), so make sure theyre on board!


Will librarian(s) have access to LMS system? Get to know LMS adminstheir support is crucial.Communication

Talk with your librarian(s) about what you think will work in the course, but also be open to new ideas.

THANKSAny questions?Heather BlicherOnline Learning LibrarianNorthern Virginia Community CollegeExtended Learning Institute (ELI)hblicher@nvcc.eduhttp://eli.nvcc.edu/library/

Special thanks to the people who made and released these awesome resources for free:

Adapted presentation template by SlidesCarnivalPhotographs by Unsplash & Death to the Stock Photo (license)Survey platform by Kahoot!Credits

BibliographyCarlson, J. & Kneale, R. (2011). Embedded librarianship in the research context: Navigating new waters. College & Research Library News, 72, no. 3 (March 2011): 167. Retrieved from http://crln.acrl.org/content/72/3/167.full.pdf+html

Farkas, M.G. (2015). Libraries in the learning management system. Tips and Trends: Instructional Technologies Committee, Association of College and Research Libraries and American Library Association, (Summer 2015). Retrieved from http://acrl.ala.org/IS/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/summer2015.pdf

Shank, J.D. & Dewald, N.H. (2003). Establishing our presence in courseware: Adding library services to the virtual classroom. Information Technology and Libraries 22(I): 38-43.

Shumaker, D. (2012). The Embedded Librarian: Innovative strategies for taking knowledge where its needed. Medford, New Jersey: Information Today, Inc.
