Elements of science spain



ValladolidCEIP Narcisco Alonso Cortés

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C.E.I.P.“Narciso Alonso

Cortés” Valladolid

Valladolid is the capital of the same named province in the heart of Castilla


This is our city: past and future

It has 370.000 unhabitants




Where are we located?

El C.E.I.P. "Narciso Alonso Cortés" is an Infants and Primary Education located in Paseo de Juan Carlos I (between two small parks named Patricia and San Isidro). In a working-class district in Valladolid

What are those buildings for?

You can find a big building for Primary Education, and two small buildings for Infant Education.

We have got two big yards for Primary pupils…

…and a third yard for infants.


In the mornings from 9h to 14 h. (In Spain pupils go back home for lunch at 14h)

From 16h to 18h (Extracurricular optional activities)

Spaces Library Computer room Computer corner in Infant clasrooms Language Lab Music room Psicomotricity room Science rooms Gim and Sport Centr

The persons

In our school there are nine teachers in Infants and twenty in Primary. Other three specialists work in both levels.

There are 120 pupils in Infants and 247 in Primary.


Some of them are very active and collaborate a lot in everyday activities., and in special ocasions.

There is a Parents Asociation (AMPA)

Curriculum Bilingüe Español – Inglés Since 97 we are implementing a project

to develop a Bilingual Integrated Curriculum (from an agremment between The Spanish Ministery of Edcuation and The British Council).

Pupils learn trough English Literacy, Science, and Art (30 - 40% of the scheduled curriculum) They started when they are three years old.

We study other cultures

We learn Science trough English

Literacy (English Language)


Teachers made their own material (no textbooks in some Subjects)

Comenius Project: Elements of Science

Lighting up learning across Europe

“Making Science enjoyable” Our partners are: France,

Italy, Romania, Scotland, Slovaquia, Slovenia

We are sure this is going to be a a great experience.

If you want to know more about us… http: ceipnarcisoalonsocortes.centros.educa.jcyl.es

www.narcisoacorteslengua.blogspot.com www.narcisoacortescono.blogspot.com


