El172 unit 7


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Cause & EffectParagraph & Grammar



Why something happened


Consequences of such situation

Topic Sentence

specific situation

number of causes/effects


Rose took a swimming lesson because of three reasons.

Jack woke up late, and it led to three disastrous consequences.


Rose took a swimming

lesson because of three reasons.

First of all, she was planning on taking a trip on Titanic.

In case the ship hit an iceberg, she should be able

to save herself.

Concluding Sentence


That was why Rose learned to swim.

It was a good idea for Rose, and we should follow her.

Rose would surely have a good time on Titanic.


Be sure to add transitions

First/In addition, Furthermore, Moreover/Finally

In conclusion, To summarize

Adverb ClauseA Cause & Effect Sentence



Alice traveled to Wonderland because she followed a rabbit.

Because of

Alice traveled to Wonderland because of a rabbit.



Pay attention to punctuations ;_____,

Alice was curious about the rabbit; therefore, she followed him to Wonderland.

so vs. so that

Alice was curious about the rabbit, so she followed him. >> effect

Alice followed the rabbit so that she could know more about him. >> purpose

so … that

used with an adjective or an adverb

Alice was so curious that she followed the rabbit without thinking twice.

The rabbit walked so quickly that Alice could not catch up.

such … that

with (adjective +) noun

Alice shed such big tears that everyone in the room almost drowned.
