Effect of Hath yogic Asanas On Human body Systems by विश्वजीत


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Effect of ASANAS on human body systems Vishwajit verma ( .. - )


(Physiology of Asanas)

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Veer Bhadra Go KurKukuuKurm 4S Pash Dhanu- Mayu Pdm Matsyendra.

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Swastik+ Sinha+Siddhasana+Svasana




Dhanurasan Gorksh MakarShal Bhuj mannduudu Utkat Sankat Mukt , +(sum) MatsGupt Yog Garu Ustra Vraj vish vrikashasan .

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Veer Bhadra Go KurKukuuKurm 4S Pash Dhanu- Mayu Pdm Matsyendra.Matsyendra.VeerSvasanaGomukhaKurKukuuKurmBhadraPash Dhanu- MayuSwastik SinhaSiddhasanaPdm

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Steps & Components of Asanas

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( .. - )Physiology of Asana

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Physiology of Asana

Physiology of Aasana ( ) ( ) , ||

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Digestive System: Provides nutrients to all the cells in the body, energy to all the parts of the body, so functioning of the digestive. Many asanas for example, various Forward Bends, backward bends, various Spinal Twists, inverted poses strengthen the digestive organs and muscles which support the organs.

Natural health of digestive system is maintained with process of efficient breathing movement of diaphragm and abdominal muscles, as this movement give a gentle massage to these important digestive organs like liver, pancreas, spleen, and ensuring proper blood flow and removing waste products effectively. ( .. - )

Effect of yogic colon cleansing (Laghu Sankhaprakshalana Kriya) on pain, spinal flexibility, disability and state anxiety in chronic low back painRV Haldavnekar, P Tekur, R Nagarathna - journal of yoga, 2014 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov... LSP clears the bowel by activating the peristaltic reflex by a combination of specific physicalpostures (Asanas) that are designed to release the locked up Prana in ... SatyanandasaraswatiS. Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha ... Effect of Iyengar yoga therapy for chronic low back pain ...

Constipation cure and treatment through diet, yoga, home remediesBS Sukumar, HK Shashirekha - Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, 2015 - ijapr.in... Key words: Balanced diet, Natural Cure, Shatkarma, Constipation, Yogasana. ... The research workwas carried out as The Effect of Specific Yogic Exercises and Combination of ... 8. Mayurasana(Peacock pose): This asana gives a very good massage to digestive system and ...


Respiratory System:

All the poses that exercise the respiratory muscles: Danurasana etc.

A healthy respiratory system requires three things: 1 - Strong, healthy lungsThe practice of asana is one aspect of yoga that we will look into in detail.

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Hatha yoga practices: energy expenditure, respiratory changes and intensity of exerciseUS Ray, A Pathak, OS Tomer - Evidence-Based Complementary and , 2011 - hindawi.com... Maximum Respiratory Quotient (RQ) was 0.94 in UTP and it never crossed 1.0 in any of the asana. ...Thus, a close look into the pattern of changes in EQO 2 and EQCO 2 in different asanas revealsthat in most of the cases while practicing yogasana, the exercise is well within ... Effect of yoga in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseA Fulambarker, B Farooki, F Kheir - American journal of , 2012 - journals.lww.com... The symptoms component is concerned with the effect of respiratory symptoms, their frequency,and ... Asanas comprise shoulder warm-ups, standing forward bend, cat and cow, downward dog ...10 Asana techniques were modified to accommodate the level of performance of the ...


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Effect of regular yogic training on growth hormone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate as an endocrine marker of agingS Chatterjee, S Mondal - Evidence-Based Complementary and , 2014 - hindawi.com... SS Saraswati, Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha, Yoga Publication Trust, Munger, India, 2002. ...T.-L. Chen, H.-C. Mao, C.-H. Lai, C.-Y. Li, and C.-H. Kuo, The effect of yoga ... View at Scopus; P.Sarang and S. Telles, Effects of two yoga based relaxation techniques on Heart Rate ... Effects of a holistic yoga program on endocrine parameters in adolescents with polycystic ovarian syndrome: a randomized controlled trialR Nidhi, V Padmalatha, R Nagarathna - The Journal of , 2013 - online.liebertpub.com... 22 The practices consisted of asanas (yoga postures), pranayama, relaxation techniques,meditation, and lectures on ... both in health 32 and disease 33 pointing to its effect on the ... on othernonpharmacologic therapies like acupuncture that have shown beneficial effects on HPO ...


Circulatory System Supplies the blood with nutrients and oxygen to all the cells in the body. Many poses or postures have positive effects for Example: Inverted postures head stand, shoulder stand, wheel, plough, viparit karani drain the impure blood from various parts of the body and fresh blood is supplied which improves the health of these organs. Forward bends, backward bends, twists also help improve the health of the system. Incresed Efficiency of blood circulatory system due to asanas can help varicose veins, inefficient peristalsis, valves in veins not functioning, heart, menstruation problems and problems related to impotency. ( .. - )

Acute effects of Surya Namaskar on the cardiovascular & metabolic systemBS Mody - Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 2011 - Elsevier... is measured for individual asanas, the typical Surya Namaskar practitioner rarely does a singleasana. ... preparation, participants continuously performed 12 repetitions of each of the 12 asanas(1 round ... below this level has the potential to induce a training effect, the likelihood of ...

Cardiovascular responses to head-down-body-up postural exercise (Sarvangasana)K DEBBINDU, R Latha, JS Bhuvaneswaran - Indian J Phyaiol Pharmacol, 2000 - ijpp.com... prescribed along with other asanas, as a thera.peutic aid for various ailments includinghypert~nsion (6), ... There is no data available as to the effect of practising this asana on thearterial blood pressure and other cardiovascular variables. Therefore. ...

The effects of yoga asanas on blood pressureRS Gilmore - International Journal of Yoga Therapy, 2002 - iaytjournals.org... These narrow diameter vessels have muscular walls, the smooth muscle layer being innervatedmostly by the sympa- thetic part ... It is also a side effect of some types of medication ... very strenuousexercise can rise to values of 245/160 mm Hg or more without harmful effects.8 The ...


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Effect of pranayama & yoga-asana on cognitive brain functions in type 2 diabetes-P3 event related evoked potential (ERP).T Kyizom, S Singh, KP Singh - Indian Journal of , 2010 - search.ebscohost.com... Tadasana Trikona-asana Pashimottanasana ... Malhotra V, Singh S, Singh KP, Gupta P, SharmaSB, Madhu SV, et al. Study of yoga-asanas in assessment of pulmonary functions in NIDDMThe effects of yoga on hypertensive persons in ThailandR McCaffrey, P Ruknui, U Hatthakit - Holistic nursing , 2005 - journals.lww.com... Emotional stress has the same effect on the body as physical stress and can increase BP ... 20,26A regular yoga asana practice elongates and strengthens muscles, improves range of motion,decreases ... 27 Originally, the asanas served as stable postures for prolonged meditation ... Effect of integrated yoga on stress and heart rate variability in pregnant womenM Satyapriya, HR Nagendra, R Nagarathna - International Journal of , 2009 - Elsevier... as permanent alterations in early neuroendocrine programming are likely to affect responsesto ... The physical postures (asanas) and breathing techniques (pranayama) improve flexibility andvitality, and ... The DRT used to observe the immediate effect on HRV of practicing with ... Yoga Asana sessions increase brain GABA levels: a pilot studyCC Streeter, JE Jensen, RM Perlmutter - The journal of , 2007 - online.liebertpub.com... To our knowledge, this is the first study to measure the effect of yoga on brain ... Pranayama ormeditation not associated with an asana or the quiet periods described above were not al ... Thestudy design stressed the practice of asanas because they are observable, as op- posed to ...


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