Eduserv Digital Identities Workshop



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Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Planet: bringing learning design knowledge to the forefront

Yishay MorEduserv Digital Identities Workshop, London, Oct. 2008

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Note I: Acceleration

Son, this was my dad's mobile. I want you to have it.

The world is changing. Fast. Faster. Teachers are learners. Students are researchers. We are all designers of

our and our peer's learning.

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Note II: The design divide

the gap between those who have the expertise to develop high-quality tools and resources and those who don’t (Mor & Winters, 2008*)

Low cost, mobile, connected devices create a potential of a level playing field – but also an illusion of one.

The critical obstacle to development is not lack of means of production, but lack of knowledge how to use them.


Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Note III: The void

The Prophetswill tell you what should be done

The Explorerswill tell you what they did

Current discussion of learning and technology alternates between the abstract theoretical and the anecdotal.In between there is a shortage of design-level discourse.


Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Where am I? What do I do now?

You're in a hot air balloon You should find where you want to go

and land there.

Did I tell about the time I crossed the

Himalayas in a Zeppelin?

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Wanted: a design science of learning

A science of design has - A value dimension A functional axis of decomposition Attention to representation

(Mor & Winters, 2007)

Herbert Simon (1969): we need a scientific study of the man-made. At its core, the science of design. “everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into desired ones”

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 097

The Design Knowledge Problem

Expert := one who solves problems in a

particular domain

Expert := has domain design knowledge

Experts do,Consultants talk

Experts talk in jargon


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Anyone seen a common language?


in TEL


Policy makers



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Solution: sharing stories

Stories (narratives) are a fundamental form of generating / sharing knowledge. (Bruner)

Thick descriptions of problems & solutions. Everyone likes a good story.

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Narrative (i.e. stories)

Something happened to someone under some circumstances * 


it* and there's a reason for me to tell you about it.

William Hogarth, a rake's progress

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Narratives – where do they come from, Where do they go?

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The “good” case: There and back again




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Tell me a story Situation

Set the scene (I wasn't there)

Task What problem where you trying to solve?

Actions What did you do?

Results What happened?


Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

A few tips

I wasn’t there Stick to the story Tell it like it was …and then tell what you learnt

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

I wasn’t there

Don’t assume that I am familiar with your context. What you take for granted, for me is a new world. Take your time to set the scene: who, where, when.

3 May. Bistritz.--Left Munich at 8:35 P.M., on 1st May, arriving at Vienna early next morning; should have arrived at 6:46, but train was an hour late. Buda-Pesth seems a wonderful place, from the glimpse which I got of it from the train and the little I could walk through the streets. I feared to go very far from the station, as we had arrived late and would start as near the correct time as possible.

In the war of Troy, the Greeks having sacked some of the neighbouring towns, and taken from thence two beautiful captives, Chryseis and Briseis, allotted the first to Agamemnon, and the last to Achilles. Chryses, the father of Chryseis, and priest of Apollo, comes to the Grecian camp to ransom her; with which the action of the poem opens, in the tenth year of the siege.

There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.  We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning; but since dinner (Mrs. Reed, when there was no company, dined early) the cold winter wind had brought with it clouds so sombre, and a rain so penetrating, that further out-door exercise was now out of the question.

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, 'and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice 'without pictures or conversation?'

Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed. A yellow dressinggown, ungirdled, was sustained gently behind him on the mild morning air. He held the bowl aloft and intoned: Introibo ad altare Dei.

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Stick to the story

Actually, it is half the art of storytelling to keep a story free from explanation as one reproduces it. [...] The most extraordinary things, marvelous things, are related with the greatest accuracy, but the psychological connection of the events is not forced on the reader. It is left up to him to interpret things the way he understands them, and thus the narrative achieves amplitude that information lacks.


Walter Benjamin (The storyteller, in Illuminations, p. 86)

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Tell it like it was

You don’t know

• Would have happened..

• Could have happened..

• Should have happened..

• Will Happen…

You DO know, and only YOU know

What happened

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

…and then tell what you learnt

This is your story, and what you learned is part of it.

After you’re reported on the context, the events and the consequences – report on your learning experience.

In the midst of the word he was trying to say,In the midst of his laughter and glee,

He had softly and suddenly vanished away –

For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

What do you see?

After a case story is presented, ask the audience to identify the primary points from their perspective.

What is the key message you take from this story?

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

The three hats

Work in small groups One tells a story, second writes it down, third

presents it.

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highlight concepts

Hazard: Hazard: needs definition

Asset: Asset: Key common concept

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map them

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Narratives are not enough: The Aha! Factor

How do we identify the key design element in a story?

The fantasy factor How do we know its true?

The (cognitive) load factor The world is changing too fast for us to take in all

the good stories.

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 0924

Design patterns

[describe] a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice(Alexander et al., 1977)

C o n t e x t

Problem Solution

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 0925

ProblemKeep the rain out

ContextCold, wet, poor.

Method of solutionThatched roof

RelatedTimber frame, Slanted roof,Chimney

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 0926

example: activity nodes

Design problemCommunity facilities scattered individually through the city do nothing for the life of the city.

Design solutionCreate nodes of activity throughout the community, spread about 300 yards apart.

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

The long way from cases to patterns

The bull can't see his horns. Practitioners are often too close to their story, the

key element of success seems obvious to them. “Oh, that's common sense”

there's nothing common about common sense. The “make something useful” pattern (aka “like,

duh?”) Avoid stating the obvious*

(yes, this is an example)

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Some questions to ask a case..

What are you about? What are you an example of?

What was successful? What made it successful? What in the context was necessary for it to be successful? When might it not work? Do we have any other examples of this?

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

I see a pattern!

Name it (and rename later) Write it in 30 words - NOW! Fry it Sing it Draw it

C o n t e x tProblem Solution

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Some questions to ask a pattern

What's your problem? What would we do without you? (why do we

need you) How are you different from X? What are your boundaries? (when are you not

relevant) Walk me through the steps

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Huston. We have a problem

C o n t e x tProblem


If there isn't a problem, there's no need to design. Problems are your friends! A good problem description is half the solution.

But, describing a problem is a problem

Colliding forces:we want A, but need to satisfy B

Elimination:Where would we be without this?

Exclusion:What does this solve that a cheaperalternative couldn't

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

It depends (on the ...)

C o n t e x tProblem Solution

Too broad: applicable everywhere, but hard to apply Too narrow: immediate to apply but rare application

Feature deletion:Start from a storycontext, delete non-essential detail Boundaries:

Note where this pattern doesn't apply

Fusing:Find two examples,note common features

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

C o n t e x tProblem Solution

[describe] a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice

(Alexander et al., 1977)

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Back to stories: rule of three (revised*)

Find two more examples of this pattern Find one “near-miss”: similar story that doesn't

match Interrogate the stories, adjust the pattern. Link


Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

..and back to the pattern

Link to related patterns Refine distinctions & refactor if needed

Draw clear lines between this and other patterns. Identify part-of / instance-of relations If needed, split into sub-patterns, add super-

patterns, or merge redundant patterns. Revisit the name & summary Present for review

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09


Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Coming up..

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Mark Kramer: Reflections of a Nomadic Learner in the Age of Ubiquitous Communication, Jan. 9 @LKL

Ubiquitous communication and mixed-reality computingscenarios are becoming commonplace and are influencing in the way in which individuals communicate and relate with others and their surroundings. This talk will present reflections of a nomadic learner who is examining how existing and emerging information & communications technologies and services are redefining formal andinformal learning scenarios. The expected result of this talk will be to ultimately inspire those in attendance to gain a clearer perspective on how we are shaping the future of learning.

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Deadline: December 23rd 2008

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

Review on formative e-Assessment Paper on the CoMo case study Symposium on pattern methodologies

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 09

July 8-12, 2009, Irsee Monastery, Bavaria

Deadline: February 14, 2009

Planet / Eduserv Digital Identities, Jan 0942

Thank you

The pattern language network project:

Yishay Mor

This presentation