Educational justice



A look at the struggles the American school systems face.

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Educational Justice in American Schools

By Alicia Cooper

EDU 363

Education & Social Justice

Professor Barry Dotson


If it is mandatory for children to attend school, why don’t we make it mandatory for children everywhere to have a quality education?

Many schools operate without adequate



Health and safety are not

on the list of top priorities.

Transportation proves to be an issue.

Funding for extra-curricular activities are cut.

Education will extend the

initiatives our generation has

started and perhaps develop

worldly systems of their own.

Most importantly, we must be involved.

Do your part by getting involved.

-Donate to school loyalty programs

-Educate yourself on state and federal laws.

-Attend school board meetings.

-Provide your support to teachers.

-Volunteer at your neighborhood school.



Bryan, J., & Henry, L. (2012). A Model for Building School-Family-Community

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Marshall, C. & Oliva, M. (2010). Leadership for social justice: Making revolutions in

education (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Randolph, K., & Wilson-Younger, D. (2012). "Is No Child Left Behind Effective For All

Students?" Parents Don't Think So. Online Submission
