Educational Games




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  • 1. Done byAsmahan Al-Belushi 68702


  • Kelley (1988) and Salen and Zimmerman (2003) also define games as a system with rules, conflict, and a quantifiable outcome. It is free movement within a more rigid structure.


  • From the research, a game can be defined as a voluntary rule-based activity that motivates the player to achieve a goal state or quantifiable outcome via conflict with others or self


  • These are the "core" elements of any true game. Borderline cases of games include:
  • Skill-based gambling (consequences are pre-negotiated)
  • Chance-based gambling (no player effort, consequences are pre-negotiated)
  • Pen and paper role-playing (flexible rules)
  • Open-ended simulations (No valorization of outcome)


  • An educational game, one designed for learning, is a subset of both play and fun. It is a melding of educational content, learning principles, and computer games (Prensky, 2001). Digital game-based learning is organized to provide both education and pleasure. Play relaxes people, putting them in a receptive state for learning.


  • Educational Games contain the following elements:
  • Voluntary Participation
  • Rules
    • Verify appropriateness of strategies
  • Goals
    • Challenging
    • Limit usable strategies
    • Have defined outcome(s)


  • Feedback
    • Used to measure progress against goal(s)
  • Interactions
    • Conflict (overt or covert)
    • Competition (with the game, others, or self)
    • Opposition (with the game, others, or self)


  • Representation
    • The game mechanics, graphics, etc. all blend together to define what the game is all about
    • An abstracted story of reality
  • Separation from Reality
    • A safe environment consequences are not externalized
    • May contain fantasy or "impossible" elements


  • Increase learning motivation with students.
  • Increase learner understanding
  • Meet different types of learners and learners styles.
  • Increase participation and students involvements
  • Get attention
  • Easy to retrieve information


  • Adventure and role-playing games
  • Business games
  • Board games
  • Combat games
  • Logic games and puzzles
  • Word games
