Editing for meaning


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Editing for meaning – Pretty woman black cocktail dress

By Kyle, Milly & Tia

The panning shot of the male protagonist allows the audience to follow him to see where he will be meeting his date. Which is obvious as he is walking in to a bar alone and it’s a busy environment.

Over the shoulder shot shows that this is his date but you don’t know who she is, as she looks a lot different (classy and sophisticated). he is also blurred out which shows you, you should be focusing on the lady in the black dress.

The focus pull shows in the first picture the confusion in his face as he is not sure where his date is, as the women at the bar looks so much different to her in previous scenes. But then in the second they have focused on her and him turning to see that this is his date.

The medium shots show that he has realised who the lady in the black dress is. It shows his facial expressions, as he is shocked as she looks so nice. In the picture of the lady the medium shot shows her body language and even though she looks so different, she still doesn’t have the mannerism of an upper class lady as she is slouching.

The zoom in shows that his expression has gone from shocked, to smirking as he is overwhelmed that she looks so different. It also helps us to see the emotions in his face as it zooms into a close up.

Two shot to show they have finally approached each other. They have also used a close up to show how lovely she looks and their body language when they’re together. This shows that they are happy to see each other.

In this shot we see a close up of the male character. Close ups are used to show emotion and after the mid shot before of the two characters the close up then gives us more detail in to how the man is feeling. The smug half smile on his face lets us know that he is happy with the fact that he has this woman on his arm.

This next shot is an establishing shot of the restaurant the characters are in. it is good that this shot has been used as it then shows us that they are in an upper class restaurant. You can tell that it is upper class due to the fact that everyone in this shot is wearing suits or other smart attire. This helps to let the audience know that the characters are of a high status.

This next shot is an establishing shot of the restaurant the characters are in. it is good that this shot has been used as it then shows us that they are in an upper class restaurant. You can tell that it is upper class due to the fact that everyone in this shot is wearing suits or other smart attire. This helps to let the audience know that the characters are of a high status.

This shot is a medium two shot. It is good that this shot is used as it then shows show the body language of the characters and the relationship between them. From this shot it tells us that they have a good relationship due to the fact we see the old mans arm around the other man.

This shot is a wide angle shot. It is a wide angle shot as we see all of the characters in this scene in the same frame. This is good as it shows us what all of the characters are doing at the same time rather than cutting between scenes. This shot is significant as it shows all the characters sitting down around the table showing that they are all there together.
