Ecet2 mi keynote


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"If I touch their minds, I might be remembered...

But if I touch their hearts, I might be embed in their souls"

My goal as an Educator…


My warning for you today…

When I come to a conference…



When I come to a Key Note…

I want Inspiration, not Information…

This profession is a gift…

And each student is a gift…

has a gift…





As cool as the other side of the pillow…Boo Yauw!

Mr. Rezler… My 7th Grade Teacher…

Pouring Soda in the Backseat

"For a long time, a big part of my identity was 'bachelor uncle.' In my twenties and thirties I had no kids, and my sister's two children, Chris and Laura, became the objects of my affection. I reveled in being Uncle Randy, the guy who showed up in their lives every month or so to help them look at their world from strange and new angles.

"It wasn't that I spoiled them. I just tried to impart my perspective on life. Sometimes that drove my sister crazy.

"Once, about a dozen years ago, when Chris was seven years old and Laura was nine, I picked them up in my brand new Volkswagen Cabrio convertible. 'Be careful in Uncle Randy's new car,' my sister told them. 'Wipe your feet before you get in it. Don't mess anything up. Don't get it dirty.' I listened to her, and thought, as only a bachelor uncle can: 'That's just the sort of admonition that sets kids up for failure. Of course they'd eventually get my car dirty. Kids can't help it.' So I made things easy. While my sister was outlining the rules, I slowly and deliberately opened a can of soda, turned it over, and poured it on the cloth seats in the back of the convertible. My message: People are more important than things. A car, even a pristine gem like my new convertible, was just a thing.

"As I poured out that Coke, I watched Chris and Laura, mouths open, eyes widening. Here was crazy Uncle Randy completely ejecting adult rules.

"I ended up being so glad I'd spilled that soda. Because later in the weekend, little Chris got the flue and threw up over the backseat. he didn't feel guilty. He was relieved; he had already watched me christen the car. He knew it would be OK."

“He always new he was a little different, but he let his light shine regardless of what others said.”

Establishing Relationships with & through technology…

Yes… I could stand here and tell you all the things I do with technology…





They all have voices and all of them are yearning to be heard…

Think about this for just a second...

What are digital story technology & apps

without a story to tell?

If this were my last day teaching…

What would I say to them?

What would they remember about me?

#1 Always stop and look through our students’ eyes

#2 Don’t be afraid to take a chance, step out of that comfort zone, and try something new.

Innovation is DOING new things!

#3 Inspire daily… yourself and those around you.

Realize this profession is a gift…

I am going to curse you two ways…


Door Handles

We just need reminders…


This profession is a gift…

And so are our students…

So are you as an Educator…

Thank you.

Today has been my honor…

All my very best and then some…
