Early film: Technology & Technique 1800-1905



This slide show introduces the development of cinema from hand-cranked contraptions like the Kinetoscope and Muybridge's experiment to early moving pictures.

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Early Film: technology & technique


Art imitates life

The Stereoscope, 1838

Inventions move images by hand



The 1878 Muybridge experiment

US: Edison’s creationof film stock, 1891

Thomas EdisonBlack Maria


Amy Muller dances in the black maria, 1896

Edison’s Boxing Cats1894

UK: rough sea at dover, by R.W.

Paul & Birt Acres, 1895

France: The LumiÈre brothers

Workers Leaving the Factory, 1895

Arrival of a train at la ciotat, Lumiere Brothers 1895

Panorama of the Banks of the nile, 1896

By Eugene Promio

UK: Explosion of a motor car, by Cecil Hepworth,1900

UK: The Big Swallowby James Williamson, 1901

France: George MÉliÈs’ A Trip to the moon, 1902

US: Edwin S. Porter’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 1903


Thompson, Kristin and Bordwell, David. Film History: An Introduction, 3rd edition. Boston: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2010.


Note: information about sources for images and clips is located in the “notes” section of each slide.
