dsbm ppt mayank pandey d,pharm


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Window display



Window display:-It is an on sight method of advertising. Goods can be excibited in artistically laid out windows at the shop fronts.

Large showrooms are organised by big manufacturers and wholesalers in the main market to advertise their products and attend to the queries of customers.

Window display are very popular with the retailers since it helps in informing the customers about the type of goods available.

Window display is the most effective and direct method of attracting the immediate attention of customers.

The products are arranged in a systematic and a decorative manner to raise curiosity amongst the customers.

Window display attracts the customer into the shop where he can be shown more variety of goods, therefore, high quality and eye catching goods should be displayed in the show window.

Some of the visual factors in getting attention for window displays are:-


• Display is arranged within the normal range of vision of passer by.

• The other part of display should be used as decorative portion such that it attracts the sight of customers.

2.• The window or unit must be arranged to convey one

dominant idea.

3.• Devices such as colour, motion,arrangement etc should

be used to gain attention.

4.• The arrangement of window background n lines play an

important role in gaining attention of customers.

Principles of Window Display:-

The fundamental purpose of the window display is to attract the passers by and develop interest in the merchendise displayed.

The time required for the average person to walk past the average show window has been estimated to be 3 to 11 seconds.

The customer’s attention must be arrested quickly. N so the window is deliberately designed to attract the customers. People get impressions through the eye than any other way, so window display plays an important role in grabing the attention as well as making a good impression.

Some of the dominant ideas adopted to drug store window display are:-

a. The merchendise may be used as a primary focus of interest. The selling idea must be concentrated in a display card placed at focal point of display.

b. The dominant theme should be related to an associated idea such as an item in the news, a research achievement etc, which is currently engaging the interest of public, such as urge for romance, desire for beauty, health, etc.

The pharmacist should know the character, age,apparent income, status, sex, etc of the store customers and of passers by in order that the themes may be adopted to their personal interst.

Eg- in certain location of a city, there may be more women customers. In such a case the stores theme should be oriented towards women’s interst.

Moreover, the arrangement of units in window display must be intersting. In arranging drug store display, related units are grouped together.

Eg- shaving items like razor, cream, brushes etc must be kept together. This is better than a window where perfumes, laxatives, creams, talcs etc are placed together.

An interesting rhytmic pattern is obtained by arranging the elements in group of contasting heights and width across the width of the window. Smaller objests should be placed at the front of taller and larger objects so both are equally visible.

Colours play an important role in gaining the attention of customers and passers by. Bright colours like Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange and Green must be used in display cards in the window.

Advantages of window display:-

1. It acts as a silent salesman for promoting sales.

2. It is good method of advertisement.

3. It makes the shop more attractive.

4. It attracts the customers and passers by.

5. the customers come to know what kind of products are available in the shop.

6. It helps the hesitant customers to make up their minds to buy certain goods by letting them know both the quality and price of the product.

7. It saves time of the shopkeeper.

8. It promotes sales.


