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  • 1. Professional Development Programmingat the English Departmentof Kabul Education University

2. At Kabul Education University of Rabbani, we areforging new directions in Afghan higher education.Training Teachers for AfghanistanChartered in 2003, KEU boasts six faculties and 28departments with the aim of providing professional andqualified teachers to schools around the country. 3. Housed in the faculty of Language and Literature, theEnglish Department is one 5 language departmentstraining language teachers.The English Department at KEUWith twenty-two instructors and over 900 students, theEnglish Department proudly offers Bachelors and Mastersdegree programs for training teachers of English as aForeign Language and university instructors. 4. In the English Department, we are busy people!From our director to our newly hired instructors,we have a lot going on.Busy TeachersSome of us are teaching in both the Masters andundergraduate programs.Some of us are working on our Masters degrees whileteaching in the undergraduate program.Some of us are meeting the challenges of teaching newcourses and assuming responsibility for extra-classes.And our newest members are teaching basic Englishand English for Specific Purposes to students outsideour department. 5. Who has time forProfessional Development? 6. Taking time to learn new skills, reinvigorate old ones,and keep up with todays challenges is part of our job aseducators. We owe it to ourselves to be the very bestwe can be, and to our students to provide the very bestlearning experience possible.A Teachers JobOffering continuing professional development opportunitiesin the English Department is our way of helping youteach like a champion andmeet the goals of KEU. 7. Youve probably noticed the survey going around askingHow we can help? Are youin need of guidance with planning or classroommanagement?uncertain of how youre doing or facing challenges inthe classroom?ready to take on a new project for your promotionsearching for new ideas or activities?Tell us what you need!Please send us your ideas or stop by and chat.The door is always open, the tea is ready,and instructors are always welcome! 8. Lets talk strategies to help you reach them. Thereare many options to fit your goals and your schedule:One on One MentoringClass Observation and AssessmentNew Teachers GroupInquiry / Action ResearchSelf-Directed LearningGet Involved with a ProjectBe a MentorLearning LunchesWorkshop SeriesPlan your professional goals! 9. Personalized coaching as you plan your lessons andsyllabus. We will find a time to meet regularly toreflect on & discuss course content, planning learningobjectives, giving instructions, facilitating classactivities, assessing student learning, studentbehavior, class management, and/or other concerns.Through mentorship, you will benefit from practicaladvice and support while developing strategies todeal with academic issues and becoming moreempowered to make decisions (Gardner, 2012).One on One Mentoring 10. Class ObservationsFocused attention on whats happing during your class,feedback on your strengths as well as areas toimprove, encouragement & support as you developstrategies that work for you and your students. Wewill schedule regular classroom observations with pre-observation meetings, and post-observationconsultations.Having someone else in the classroom to viewinstruction and provide feedback is a powerful way tohelp you see yourself as a teacher and impact yoursuccess in the classroom (Sparks and Loucks-Horsley,1989). 11. New Teachers GroupBimonthly meetings focused on lesson planning,classroom management, and sharing ideas. We willmeet every 1st and 3rd Saturday morning from 9:30to 11:30 to work on learning objectives and teachingstrategies.This is a time for sharing ideas, reflecting onteaching, practicing techniques, discussingchallenges, and supporting each other. 12. Inquiry / Action ResearchProfessional guidance, literature discussions, andtechnological assistance for your in-class researchprojects. Well schedule consultations as needed as youformulate a question into teaching methods/materialsor class management practices, develop a hypothesis,implement an experiment and/or investigate theliterature, and analyze your findings.Through engaging in inquiry, action research, reflectionand evaluation, you extend your knowledge of pedagogy,how students learn and more (Hord, 2012). P.S. Wellalso encourage you to share your findings in ourLearning Lunches. 13. Self-directed learningPersonalized consultation for your promotionprojects. We will schedule appointments to meetwith you as needed to discuss ideas, help developcomprehension of the literature, and providefeedback as you write your literature review.(Well also encourage you to share your findings inour Learning Lunches.) 14. Get involved with a ProjectTeam up to revise course syllabi and developmaterials. Many of our courses and textbooks havenot changed over the years and are in needrejuvenation. As a semester project, instructorsteaching sections of the same course can meet once aweek to collaborate on the development student-centered lessons and learning materials.A great opportunity to increase your learning bydoing (Life Wisdom Institute)! 15. Be a Mentor!Meet regularly with one of our new instructors or aninstructor teaching a new course to provide collegialsupport as they develop teaching & class managementskills. Observe their classes and invite them to watchyou in your class.As a mentor, you benefit in becoming more reflectiveabout your own beliefs about teaching, students,learning, and teaching as a career (Huling, 2001). Takeyour teaching experience and practice to a moreprofound level as you coach another instructor. 16. Learning LunchesBiweekly meeting to share ideas over our middaymeal. So many ideas, so little time! lunch is a greattime to come together as friends and colleagues.Well meet every 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 12:30 toeat lunch and talk about department researchactivities, classroom issues, or ideas for learningactivities/materials that you want the share.When we come together to collaborate as caring,reflective instructors, student learning increases(Hord, 2012). 17. Workshop SeriesA monthly event to present new ideas, activities, andmaterials. Well meet in the PD room every firstWednesday of the month, from 2:45 5:00 forhands-on activities and reflections. You can lead aworkshop for your colleagues or participate as alearner. Based on your survey responses, tentativeworkshop topics are as follows:May Considerations in assessmentJune Critical and creative thinkingJuly Creating a wiki for / with your studentsAugust Large class managementSeptember Content-Language-Integrated Learning 18. Whats in it for you?To be the best we can be, we need to continuallybroaden our knowledge and skills to implement thebest educational practices (Mizell, 2010).We can do it together through Professional Development. 19. ReferencesGardner, Stephen. 2012. . Paradise TEFL:http://drstepheng.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-benefits-of-peer-monitoring-when.htmlHord, Shirley. 2012. Standards for Professional Learning:Learning communities. Learning Forward:http://learningforward.org/standards/learning-communities#.UX57hMoeiSpHuling, Leslie. 2001. Teacher mentoring as professional development. Eric Digest:http://ericdigests.org/2002-3/mentoring.htmIslamic Republic of Afghanistan. Kabul Education University. Http://keu.edu.af/enLife Wisdom Institute. The Learning Pyramid.Http://www.lifewisdominstitute .org/learningpyramid.htmlMizell, Hayes. 2010. Why professional development matters. Learning Forward.http://www.learningforward.org/docs/pdf/why_pd_matters_web.pdfSparks and Loucks-Horsley. 1989. Five Models of staff development. North Central EducationalLaboratory: http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/educatrs/profdevl/pd2fimo.htmSparks and Loucks-Horsley. 1989. Five Models of staff development. Journal of Staff Development: Fall1989, Vol 10, No 4
