Do, Re, Me, Fa,



Shows how there are different notes, and how they are different.

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Learning the ABC’s of music

A, B, C, D, E, F, G

The musical alphabet is not as long as the alphabet of the speaking language.

Where it starts

There are many different scales in the music world. The most common one is

the C scale.

Starting the C scale

The easiest way to remember the C scale is with Do, Re, Me. Each sound stands

for a note on the C scale.

Do, a deer a female deer

Do stands for the C on the scale

Re, a drop of golden sun

Re stands for the D on the scale

Me, a name I call myself

Me stands for E in the scale

Fa, a long, long way to go

Fa stands for F in the scale

So, a needle pulling thread

So stands for G in the scale

La, a note to follow So

La stands for A in the scale

Tee, a drink with jam and bread

The last one is Te, and it stands for B on the scale
