Disha's Tea Shop Photo Essay


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Where we live affects how we live!

Hi! Guys I will tell you about the field trip I went to. Well! as you know our topic is on “Where

we live affects how we live.” My group interviewed the daughter of Ko Thu, she gave

us a lot of information on how they live. So the slides I am going to show you is on what I

Interviewed about their lives. Some of these pictures have been shared with my friends too .

So sit back and enjoy the show.

They sell is vegetables, soda, eggs, noodles, and other groceries. It is

mostly for 500 kyat and above.

Their main food that they eat is rice, with different type

of curries such as chicken curry and others too. This is their daily food.

They have three siblings. One is a girl she is three years old. The other two are boys one of them is four and half and one is 4.

They play with them all sorts of games such as Chin lone.

They help their parents by washing their family clothes or cooking rice or helping with the shop.

The transportation they use are school buses or trishaws. The trishaw is less than a thousand kyats.It depends on the distance.

They got so many medals form school .Their family treasures them.

Lynn group


Credits go to Mr. Rinker for taking us to our field trip and

sharing his friends with us.Thanks to Lynn’s group for letting

me take a picture.Music: Beethoven

Director & Filmmaker: Disha
