Diabetic ketoacidosis



Diabatic ketoacidosis

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Muhammad Ramzan UL Rehman 1

Problem Based Learning

Muhammad Ramzan UL Rehman

case scenario : 18 yrs old female.Problems1. Tiredness2. Weightloss3. Thisrsty 4. Glycoseuria5. Drowsy

6. B.P 96/60 mmHg7. Pulse rate 112 per min8. Cold extremities9. Kussmaule respiration10. Acetone Breath

Muhammad Ramzan UL Rehman 4

Investigations 1. Na 130 mmol/liter [ 142 momol/liter]2. K 5.8 mmol/liter [ 3.8-5 mmol/liter]3. Bicorbonate 5 mmol/liter [ 24 – 32 mmol/liter ]4. Urea 18 mmol/liter [2.5 – 10.7 mmol/liter]5. Creatinine 140 µ mol/liter [88.4 µ mol/liter ]6. Blood glucodse 32 mmol/liter [ 4-7 mmol/liter]

Arterial Blood 7. Hydrogen ion 89 mmol/liter PH ( 7.05) [ 7.5]

8. Pco2 15 mmHg [ 40 mmhg]

Muhammad Ramzan UL Rehman 5

case scenario :1. Tiredness2. Weightloss3. Thisrsty 4. Glycoseuria5. Drowsy6. B.P 96/60 mmHg

7. Pulse rate 112 per min8. Cold extremities9. Kussmaule respiration10. Acetone Breath

Muhammad Ramzan UL Rehman 6

Investigations 1. Na 130 mmol/liter [ 142 momol/liter]2. K 5.8 mmol/liter [ 3.8-5 mmol/liter]3. Bicorbonate 5 mmol/liter [ 24 – 32 mmol/liter ]4. Urea 18 mmol/liter [2.5 – 10.7 mmol/liter]5. Creatinine 140 µ mol/liter [88.4 µ mol/liter ]6. Blood glucodse 32 mmol/liter [ 4-7 mmol/liter]

Arterial Blood 7. Hydrogen ion 89 mmol/liter PH ( 7.05) [ 7.5]

8. Pco2 15 mmHg [ 40 mmhg]

What Does The ABG Tells Us ?

o pH 7.05 = therefore acidosis (severe).

o pCO2 = 15 therefore not resp. acidosis.

o HCO3 = 5 therefore metabolic acidosis

Muhammad Ramzan UL Rehman 8

o Anion gap = Na + K – (Cl- + HCO3


=130 + 5.8 – (101+ 5) = 29.8 (>14)

High anion gap metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation



Ketonemia / ketonuria

Metabolic acidois

Effects of hyperglycemia :

o Hyperglycemia leads to hyperosmolarity that in turn cause osmotic diuresis and loss of water and electrolytes in urine and although hyperosmolarity shifts water to ECF, hypervolemia doesn’t occur dt concomitant osmotic diuresis.

Mechanism of ketosis :1. Lack of insulin : stimulates lipolysis that deliver FFA used for


2. Excess glucagon : Citric acid (the product of krebs cycle I.e. glucose metabolism that Is inhibited by glucagon as decribed before) is responsible for regulation of activity of acetyl coA carboxylase. The later synthesize malony coA in the liver which turn off carnitine acyl transferase 1 that is the rate limitting enzyme in ketogenesis. ( so turn off the supply of substrate into krebs cycle and ketogenesis is automatically turned on ).

Effects of ketosis :Metabolic acidosis increasing anion gapDraws out intracelluar cations a sodium and potasium Vomiting that aggravates dehydration

Total body stores of K are depleted due to urinary loss however s.K maybe intially elevated due to acidosis pulling

intacellular K out. It markedly decrease with insulin therapy that stimuate the influx of K into the cells and with

correction of acidosis.

DKA: Pathophysiology






+ PFKInsulin

fat cellTG


Liver Cell








Clinical manifestations of DKA Polyuria, Polydipsia, PolyphagiaDehydration + orthostasisVomiting (50-80%)Abdominal pain present in at least 30%. Küssmaul respiration if pH < 7.2Temperature usually normal or low, if elevated think infection!Lethargy, delirium


Insulin therapy

Electrolyte repletion

Management of complications and evaluation of therapy


Priority is given to correction of the state of hyperosmolarity and dehdration. rehydration should be done gradually to prevent overshooting of s.NA levels.

Insulin therapy is started only after support of heamodynamics to prevent latent shock of rehydration

Potassium replacement is started even with normal levels as it is expected to dramatically drop with insulin therapy.

100 % O2 is given to all cases of DKA even if the saturation is 100 % on RA.

Rehydration Volume! Volume! Volume

Objectives: 1- Restore intravascular volume. 2- Reduce blood glucose level. 3- Reduce counter regulatory hormones. (catecholamines,

glucagon) Augment insulin sensitivity.

How much fluid will you give ?

15 – 20 ml/kg . (1-2 L ) in 1st hour

500 ml/h for next 2 hours or 1L /h if in shock

500-250 ml/h according to hydration status ( UOP & renal functions).

maintainence fluids should be provided.

How much fluid will you give ? Subsequent choice for IV fluids depends on:

1-Corrected serum Na (Nac) 2- Effective serum osmolarity (E osm)

o If E osm > 320 mOsm/L or Nac is normal/elevated

0.45% NaCl 4-14 ml/Kg/hr

o If E osm <320 mOsm/L or Nac is low

0.9% NaCl at a similar rate of 4-14 ml/Kg/hr.

S.NA is a good marker for hyperosmolarity and intracellular dehydration but it might be inaccurate in case of DKA as hyperosmolarity is predominantely caused by hyperglycemia so scaling s.NA in relation to s.glucose (corrected s.NA) is a better judge of free water deficit.

Osmolarity is a the conc. Of an osmolar fluid while effective osmolarity (tonicity) is the osmolar pressure of this solution. it calculates only the effective molecules able to draw water across cell membrane (mannitol , glucose) and excludes freely diffusible substances (urea) that produce no effect on tonicity .

Corrected serum Na + (Nac) = measured Na + [1.6×serum glucose mg/dl -100] 100 Serum osmolarity mOsm/L = 2×Na (mEq/L) + s.glucose(mg/dl) + BUN(mg/dl) 18 2.8 E osm (mOsm/L) = 2×Na (mEq/L) + s.glucose (mg/dl) 18

Successful progress is judged by :

Haemodynamic monitoring (pulse-BP)Adequate urine output. Improved mental status. Monitoring the decrease in E osm. ( should not exceed 3 mOsm/L/hr ) caution Gradual rehydration over 36 - 48 hours. why ? 1.avoid iatrogenic fluid overload and cerebral oedema (how) 2.overly aggressive fluid replacement leads to overshooting of

NA levels leading to further increase in plasma osmolarity increasing risk of pontine myelinolysis.

Insuline Therapy insulin therapy aims at controlling hyperglycemia and

reversing lipolysiss.

It should be delayed at least 1 hr after fluid therapy to prevent latent shock of rehydration and it can be delayed further more if serum levels of K is below normal.

There is no evidence that that the IV route is better than the SC route except in cases of shock.

How to supply insulin ? A Loading dose 0.1U/Kg IV bolus

Then maintainence rate of infusion U/hr = s.glucose mg/dl 150 or 100 if Steroids Infection Overweight Infusion rate is doubled for an hr if insulin resistense is suspected and s.glucose is

rechecked in an hr.

• Once s. glucose falls to 250 mg/dl, add DW5% at a rate of 50 ml/hr to maintain stable glucose level (i.e to allow continuation of insulin infusion till reversal of lipolysis without episodes of therapy induced hypoglycemia).

Maximum rate of glucose decline/ hr is 75-100 mg/dl regardless the dose of insulin.

Failure of s.glucose level to fall by 75-100 mg/dl/hr implies inadequate volume administration or impaired renal function rather than insulin resistance.

serum HCO3 < 20 mEq/L even with normal glucose level implies continued need for glucose-insulin inf. till reversal of lipolysis (decreased s.HCO3 is an indicator of persistent ketosis as HCO3 regeneration automatically occurs when insulin sensitivity is restored . This occurs via renal and hepatic mechanisms. hepatic mechanism uses ketones as a substarate).

How to stop Insulin infusion ?

Sliding scale has to be started at least 2 hrs prior to discontinuation of insulin infusion .

Total daily intake : total req. of insulin in insulin infusion per day / total insulin dose calculated by sliding scale per day . Either dose is divided into 1/3 and 2/3 and given by the usual SC regimen.

Electrolyte ReplacementTotal K stores are depleted due to renal loss (osmotic

diuresis) even if serum levels are high or normal (shift of K outside the cell due to hyperosmolarity). insulin therapy causes shift of K inside cells so s.K falls further more reaching its peak in 2-4 hrs (1 meq/L / 0.1 unit ) .

20-40 meq /L are given if s.K is equal to or less than 5.5 meq/L. max. rate of infusion is 0.5 meq/kg/hr.

should bicarbonate be given ?

The use of NAHCO3 in DKA remains controversial.

There is no doubt that PH is markedly improved but at the expense of worsening intracellular acidosis and other side effects that overshadow any potenial benefits such as CO2 production, rebound alkalosiss, hypovolemia and volume overload. Also in the context of DKA ,it might delay clearence of ketones and may further enhance hepatic production.

In PH less than 6.9, most authors recommend use of bicarbonate to partially correct acidosis, the threshold of NAHCO3 use is debatable between 6.9 and 7.1

Management of complications and evaluation of therapycerebral oedema

It maybe subclinical at the beginning of therapy and the CSF pressure is normal.

Classically, labs are improving and there is no way to predict who is going to have this complication. it occur typically in the 1t 24 hrs of therapy with no way to see it coming.

o Mechanism : Brain conserves water by producing osmoprotective molecules

(taurine). Osmolarity becomes disproportionately higher in the brain than other tissues. Sudden fall in serum osmolarity during rapid rehydration moves fluid across the blood-brain barrier. Brain becomes relatively hypervolemic. So Cerebral edema is a complication of therapy, not a progression of DKA.

Pathophysiology of cerebral oedema

EC glucose rises causing loss of water from IC space which is lost in osmotic diuresis

Later the brain generates idiogenic osmoles which serve to draw water back into the cerebrum

Presentation of cerebral oedema • Initial complaint of headache,Progresses to decreasing level of

consciousness, hypertension, papilledema, blurring of vision and bradycardia. Coma and death soon follow

• Diagnosis is available with CT scan.• The best therapy is to prevent it with careful rehydrationTherapy for acute episode:

Intubation and hyperventilation IV Mannitol 0.5 - 1.0 Gram/Kg ( bolus) . IV sedation. Slow the rate of osmolar correction.

Evaluation of therapy Controlled reduction in serum glucose.Correction of acidosis “closing the gap”.Clearing of serum ketones.Clinical improvement :

fall in respiratory rateimproved perfusionimproving mental status.