Development of double page spread




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Construction and development:Development of my double page spread.

Step One:

Again with my double page spread I wanted to keep up with the flower theme, and I thought that by adding the hand in the background along with it, The picture was originally black however I got some feedback and they said I should try purple so that it goes along with my purple theme more. I tried this and decided it looked a lot better and worked really well with the colour scheme of my magazine.

Step Two:

I didn’t want to follow normal convention with my double page spread, and I did not want one main overwhelming picture. By doing this I feel that my double page spread looks more unique. I decided to set the ‘main’ pictures out in a film strip as I have seen this in other magazines and I felt that it was and good touch to have, and I think that the pictures within them help the film strip look more real as the subjects within the photos look relaxed and the pictures do not look posed, which is something didn't want to happen.

Step Three:

The next thing I added was a quote from the actual interview I felt that this was an important piece of text to put in because a lot of magazines do this, and I didn’t want to go of normal convention too much. I think with the added effect of the white blur behind the text helps make the writing stand out.

Step Four:

The next thing I did was create boxes, I think that the boxes hep the white writing stand out more, as my background is a mix of black/purple, and some bits of the writing would of looked better then others, so to create a more evenly defined look I chose to add the boxes. And wrote my script in them, this was one of the easier things I have done, as I knew exactly were I wanted all the text to go. I have followed normal convention by presenting my interview in columns, I also think that with the columns it helps spread out the page. I included the album art again, for the simple reason of, one because it is relevant and I have saw similar things in other magazines

Step Five:

The next thing I added was an extract from the interview. Although I have done this at the top of the page, normal magazine convention is to do it in the middle of the columns. I chose to make the colour of the box behind the text a very light purple as I wanted it to stand out.

Step Six:

I edited the photo of ‘Pandora’ in Photoshop, I also added the bubble she was blowing to the picture and blurred out everything but her face so that it made her face look more defined. With this photo I was trying to create a sort of laid back look for ‘Pandora’, and I feel that I was successful with this.

Step Seven:

I then added a separate interview to my double page spread, this was an idea that I originally started with, and I thought that it could be a big part and could help the layout of the double page spread.

Step Eight:

I added the same colour box as the quotation box as I thought if I did that then the quotation box wouldn’t look so bare on it’s own. I decided to put a low opacity red box behind the different interview, as feedback showed me that there was no clear difference between the two interviews, and that with the red box it makes the interviews separate and it clearly shows that there is two separate interviews.

Step Nine:

Feedback told me that the section between the film reel and the interview box looked to plain, and that I should put something there. I decided to put the words band interview so that It is more obvious, as some readers may flick through to the double page spread straight away, and it minimises confusion.