Depth of field and texture


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Project #2: Depth of Field & Texture

• Depth of Field (DOF): front-to-back zone in a photograph where objects appear acceptably sharp.

• DOF is also known as “focus range”.

Large/Deep D.O.F. Small/Shallow D.O.F.

Depth of Field – The two types

What makes these two different?

Depth of Field-Affected by Aperture (lens opening)

• Small / Shallow

• Large / Deep

Portrait mode

Landscape mode

Aperture = Amount of light

• On the iPhone, the aperture is a fixed size so this can’t be used to change exposure.

• However, shutter speed and ISO can be altered to manually adjust the exposure of a photo. (VSCO app.)

DOF influenced by;– Aperture size (opening in lens)– Focal Length of the lens– Distance between the lens and the focus point

Portrait Mode Landscape Mode

Depth of field affected by Shutter Speed

• How long shutter is open for determines how much light reaches the sensor.



Effects of Shutter Speed

Shallow Depth of Field

-Also know as “small”-Main subject in focus-Background is blurred

Shallow DOF

-Isolates the subject from its background and foreground.

-Focal Point is obvious, the subject.

• Popular in sports, portrait, nature photos.Shallow DOF

• Much of scene is in focus.• focus range covers a large

area front-to-back

Large/Deep Depth of Field

• Often associated with landscape photography

Iphone – Camera

TAP AND HOLD – to lock and manually focus on an area

Iphone – Camera - Exposure

Sun icon = Exposure

-Swipe up for more light

- automatically applies a suitable shutter speed and ISO setting to get the exposure you want.

Exposure: determines the amount of light that reaches the camera’s sensor, and therefore affects how bright or dark the photo will be.

Depth of Field & Camera (Iphone)


Let’s try to capture a shallow depth of field with your keyboard!

Part 1: Iphone/camera on phone-Try similar angles (above & on right)-Try auto focus and auto lock focus-Adjust exposure

Part II: Point and shoot cameras try both-Portrait mode-Landscape mode

Did you capture a focal range?Did anyone need to adjust the exposure?

2nd part to this project -Element of Art, TEXTURE

• The surface quality or “feel” of an object.

• Smoothness, roughness, softness, etc.

Everything has a texture!

• Texture can be:– Rough– Bumpy– Slick– Scratchy– Smooth– Silky– Soft– Prickly

Tactile Texture

Let’s focus on Rough Texture • Course• Feels bumpy• Not smooth• Rocky• Irregularities• Coarse/shaggy

Rough Texture – Shallow DOF

Warm Up #1: Shallow D.O.F. & Rough Texture .PART 1: Wed./Thurs. (In Class)

Take a 4 photos of 4 different rough textures using a shallow depth of field.

1. 4 different objects with ROUGH texture.

2. Use a SHALLOW DEPTH OF FIELD, so more of the image is in focus allowing the textures to be emphasized.

*Distance from object effects the depth of field!

4. If comfortable, you can try adjusting ISO, shutterspeed, and aperture. You can use the VSCO app. to do this. We will focus more on this in later classes.

Project #2: “Eye-catching” - Shallow Depth of Field & Rough Texture

• Due on Tuesday, Sept. 6th

• PLEASE take these outside of school. I can usually tell• Take 5 photos (or more) of using a shallow depth of field.• Find objects that represent the element of art, texture. Focus

on rough textures only.• The theme of the project is “eye-catching”. Take photographs

of object(s) that catch your eye. Of course, keep in mind you are focusing on textures and shallow depth.

• Remember the rule of thirds! ie. Not centering the main subject.

So…. Look anywhere & everywhere

What will make your photo EYE-CATCHING?Avoid the obvious and take risks!

What will catch your eye…?

Sometimes it’s not so pretty

Can have rough texture alongside another object that’s opposite.

Smooth and Rough
