Demographics - Coursework


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For our coursework we need to know who our target audience is to ensure the film opening appeals to them. We will research the demographics of our genre via information from the UK Film Council. We need to find out who our primary and secondary audiences are to make the opening successful.

This data shows the number of films watched over a three month period with their age and gender. Both males and females were more likely to watch 6 to 25 films. 16 to 54 year olds were more likely to watch 6 to 25 films over three months whereas 55+ year olds were more likely to watch 1 to 5 films over a three month period. This helps us because that means we should focus both on males and females but less on 55+ year olds because people that fir into those demographics are more likely to watch the film.

The genres we have chosen to represent our film are drama and war because there was no crime genre listed. Drama has a 55% of the population enjoy watching

dramas and 29% enjoy watching war films. This makes our film opening more likely to be mainstream because drama is our main genre out of the two.

This table goes into more detail by telling us the gender, age and social class of who watches those two genres. The primary audience for drama is females, over 35 and are in the social class AB. The secondary audience for drama is males, over 35 and are in the social class AB. The primary audience for war is males, over 35 and are in the social class DE. The secondary audience for war is males, under 35 and are in the social class DE.

To conclude, our target audience is males and females over the age of 35 and in the social AB. We will interview people that fit this demographic to make sure the opening is appealing to the TA.