Definitions and examples




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Definition and Example

Identifying definitions of terms and their examples

Instructions: Go through the slideshow which reviews the

purpose and format of the definition of terms in a text and how examples are used to explain the term.

Read the short texts and answer the questions.


Definitions help readers understand the terms

and concepts define the meaning of the terms as

they are used in the text

…an Engineering Case is: an account of an engineering activity, event or problem containing some of the background and complexities encountered by an engineer.

Markers Showing the Term

The term or concept that is being defined appears in italics, bold or in quotation marks.

Phobias – fears that are out of proportion to the actual dangers in given situations – …

Emblems, gestures or body motions that mean the same as words or phrases, ...

One common method of solving problems is "hill-climbing."

Markers of Terms and their Definition

Words or Phrases X is Y…; define,

definition that is, this means; (is / are) called; refers to; or

Punctuation Marks: comma , (or

commas) dash - (or

dashes) colon : parenthesis ( ) brackets [ ]

Examples and their Markers

Words of Phrases for example; e.g., for instance; such as; to illustrate; as an

illustration; to be specific; specifically; one; like

Punctuation Marks: comma , (or

commas) dash - (or

dashes) colon : parenthesis ( ) brackets [ ]

Examples help to clarify the term or concept

Examples of Examples…

Humans have used nanoparticles for many centuries with excellent effect – in glazes in Ming ceramics, in Etruscan eyeliner, and in stained glass windows, for example, …

For example, some people have a phobia about elevators. Another instance is a fear of medical needles.


Underline / highlight the term, its definition and example(s)

Top-down fabrication defines nanoscale regions of a larger area by etching or machining, such as lithographic definition and subsequent processing of micro-electromechanical (MEM) systems.

Environment refers to the influence of the world around us, like family, school, and friends.


Make a list of key terms and concepts, their definition and add examples

P1 Emblems - gestures or body motions that mean the same as words or phrases (thumbs up….)

P4 Environment – influence of world around us (family, friends, school, etc.)

How much do you remember?
