Deconstructionist critism


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Deconstructionist CritismPresented by :

Aef sugihartoniPutra Purnomo

DeconstructionDeconstruction In Practice In deconstruction

the signified and the signifier are unstable, and can take on multiple meanings.

In other words Deconstruction looks at the ambiguities in

signifiers, and states that there can be many different signified meanings for a single signifier

SITI NURBAYAMinangkabau (west Sumatra ) Marah Rusli (1922 )by Balai Pustaka.

Sitti Nurbaya o Siti Nurbaya, a modest and pretty girl, was

falling in love with Samsul Bahri, a handsome young man of Minang people in West Sumatera, Indonesia. They had planned to get married soon after they reached the age of maturity. Their parents had made an agreement that they would allow and even positively encourage Siti Nurbaya and Samsul Bahri to get married.

.o In an unfortunate situation, Bagindo

Sulaiman, as the father of Siti Nurbaya,

and her wife as well, had a great debt to

Datuak Maringgih. Datuak Maringgih was

an old man, very old, with many wives. He

could have that chance to marry many

girls in that town because he was rich and

a landlord in the area.

.o Knowing that she had been forced to get

married with Datuak Maringgih, Siti Nurbaya

killed herself by eating poisonous “lemang”, a

specific food made by rice and red sugar in


.o When Bagindo Sulaiman wanted to beg for

the mercy of Datuak Maringgih about the

debt, the old man decided that the debt could

be considered as over when Bagindo

Sulaiman let him married Siti Nurbaya.

Bagindo Sulaiman had no other choice in that


.Lately, Datuak Maringgih and Samsul Bahri

were met in a battle when fighting with the

Dutch colonial. They were both finally dead. At

last, the love of Siti Nurbaya and Samsul Bahri

was never realized

Response of the public Reader In general of reader assumes that Samsul

Bahri is a protagonist hero, handsome and white. Datuk Maringgih an antagonist, Old, malicious and moneylenders.

By way of deconstruction the situation it will reversed

Point of view in Deconstructionist Critism Be mentally, samsul is a a whiny man, failed

in love with a girl where he thinks she is a good girl, actually she was a widow. he tried to suicide himself.

Samsul is the betrayer of the nationFighting with the Datu Maringgih, actually he fighting with his own country and defend against the Dutch.

. In the other side Datuk Maringgih is a bad

man, moneylenders, and had many wives, but

in fact ,he againsts to rebellion ( Dutch

colonialists ) although it is motivation itself

tobe a richman , because the Dutch get the

most a tax.

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