Deadly friendship story arc


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Deadly Friendship

Story Arc

Steps Description

Exposition Phoebe loses control of her temper when she confronts her friend Rachel over a rumour which has gone around which is linked to something that she told Rachel in conformation. This makes her believe that her best friend has told everyone her secret and as her friend turns to leave she picks up a brick that is in the garden and hits her friend in the head. Horrified in what she has done she tries to hide what she has done.

Raising Action Event 1: Phoebe hides the body in the sea just on the edge of water hoping that the police would find it and think that she had fallen onto a rock on the beach. She drives away in her car hoping no one saw her, however she needs then hears a song on the radio that reminds her of a time that her and Phoebe rang along to the sound in the car.Event 2: Phoebe hears a phone ringing from inside her car and as she pulls over she finds that Rachel’s phone is still in her car and that it must have fallen from her pocket. In horror she places it in the front of her car with the idea of telling Rachel’s family and the police that her friend had left it in her car. Moments after Rachel’s phone goes off and it is her mother. By answering it she tells Rachel’s family that her friend had left her place last night and had left her phone in the car. Rachel’s family

calls the police to report her missing. As it has not been twenty-four hours the police say that they can’t investigate it as a missing as Rachel is eighteen. However the police do talk to Phoebe and Rachel’s family to where Rachel could have gone. In the same room as Rachel’s family, the police ask Phoebe why Rachel left early as she was suppose to stay at her place overnight. Phoebe quickly comes up with story that Rachel had came over but told her that she was going to head home after going for a walk because she didn’t feel well. Soon the news comes through to the officer that a body has been spotted on the beach.Event 3: Rachel’s body is found but to Phoebe’s horror the police start to investigate it as a murder and not an accident to which she wanted. The news of the death gets to the papers and Rachel’s family want answers. However the police officer in charge of the case starts to see something odd in Phoebe’s behaviour and as she was the last person to see Rachel she calls her in for an interview.

Climax The first police interview sends alarm bells off in the police’s mind as she tries to create an alibi for the time of death and why her friend had left her home early. Things start to not add up in the officer’s head and she becomes the subject of the investigation.

Falling Action Event 1: Phoebe starts to notice that she is being followed by the police, this happens on a day to day thing when she drives to work, home or to college.Event 2: Gossip starts to go around that the police think that Phoebe has something to do with the murder in college and social media.Event 3: The police collect a search warrant to search both Phoebe’s home and her car to which blood and the weapon are both found and Phoebe is arrested.

Resolution Final Police interview where she confuses to the murder of Rachel but as she tries to tell the police that she didn't hit her friend that hard she learns that Rachel drowned in the result of her trying to hide the body.
