C.U.O.R.E. Project - Actions Plans


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ConclusionsFuture action plans

All the partner schools are going to publicize the survey results via school site, media, any public educational events, local authorities, other agencies, local commerce etc. They will all have information campaigns targeted at students, teachers and staff (janitors, administrative personnel) and also families.

All the partners are going to highlight good and bad environmental practice using leaflets, posters, signs, warnings, instructions, data display, meetings with parents and also share innovation strategies, assessment and evaluation procedures among project members

Most of the partner schools (at least six of them) plan to have exhibitions of students’ project works; to place selective waste containers inside the school buildings and in the school grounds for: paper/ carton; glass; packages; batteries and to use of foreign languages, namely via mail exchanges among project students. They also want to continue having school trips to sites of ecological/ environmental interest planning the teaching units which involve: research work – thinking globally. They are still planning to foster intercultural awareness among students involved;project work – acting locally ; hands-on outputs;interdisciplinary/ multidisciplinary work and intensive use of ITC.

Many of the partner schools (at least four) are going to continue having live/ open workshops on: composting, production of artefacts making use of recyclable materials, paper recycling(collaboration of the Biology and Chemistry departments) taking guided tours / ecological walks to areas of ecological interest – natural beauty and/ or environmental threat.

They will also continue to commemorate the national / international days like Water (March 22nd) Solar Day (June 21st) and Earth day (April 22nd ) and share the innovation strategies, assessment and evaluation procedures among project members.

Many partner schools will continue to raise family members’ attention regarding environmental issues like : energy saving, collective waste and water saving and will continue to discuss the results of the study by the school authorities (school board, janitors’ head of staff, students ’union representatives) in different meetings.

Four of the partner schools are thinking to replace progressively the traditional light bulbs by energy-saving ones, the implement the thermostats or temperature regulators, to replace conventional toilet cisterns with double flushing ones and conventional turn faucets with timed ones.

The majority of schools want to continue to foster students´ interest to participate in competitions promoting pro-ecological behaviour connected with waste, energy and water and to include an optional course of environmental education in the curriculum at school’s decision;

Regarding the local authorities the majority of partners will continue their work in order to sensitize them to the need of more/better waste selective collection, energy saving and to the need of campaigns aiming at rising the citizens’ environmental awareness on waste selection, energy saving,

Unfortunately, only two or three partner schools want to raise students’ empowerment through talks/ seminars/ exhibitions or thematic portfolios.

Only few of the partners consider saving and reusing rain water and watering overnight, and organizing activities on a regular basis for selective waste collection in the neighbourhood with the involvement of the local community.

Only three partners are going to encourage the use of the Moodle platform and institutional teachers’ e-mails as a strategy to diminish the use of paper in the teaching-learning process and also they will explore synergies among different school departments /projects which deal with environmental issues.

The progressive implementation of alternative equipments/solar panels for water heating in the school kitchen and gym bathhouses is taken into consideration only by two schools.
