culture and sub culture




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CULTUREThe sum total of learned beliefs,values,and customs that serve to direct the consumer behavior of members of a particular society.

Characteristics of culture Culture is a learned response. Culture includes inculcated values. Culture is a social phenomenon. Culture is gratifying and continues for a long

time. Cultures are similar and yet different. Culture prescribes the ideal standards of


The beliefs, values customs

Influence of culture

1- ON cultural values systems.

- Ethics-good, moral, immoral.

- Aesthetics-beautiful, ugly, pleasant, unpleasant.

- Doctrine- political, social, ideological.

2-Culture exist & reveals at different levels.

- Supranational level- Reflects different dimensions of multiple cultures/ different society of nations

- National level- dimensions of culture of country and national characters.

- Group level- Held with in a country with various sub-divisions of the society like family, reference group, & other closely held group.

A theoretical model of cultures influence of consumer behavior













Regional, Ethics,

Religious, national,


al, group

Culture and consumer behavior

Culture satisfies needs:-culture exists to satisfy the need of the people within society.

-Satisfy needs of people by guidance, suggestion, Standard practices, physiological, personal, and social needs etc.

-Ex. Tell us about food habits, dress code, worship, rituals about birth, death & social occasions.

-culture is generally consistent & enduring & followed as long as it satisfies needs of people.

-It changed/replaced as and when it does not solve its very purpose.

Culture & consumer behavior

Culture is learned:-Culture I learned at childhood itself from the social environment. Often we are children play and enact the real life situation of social & culture ritual.

Three distinct forms of culture learning.

Formal learning: what the elder family member teach the younger one how to behave.


Informal learning: what the child learns primarily by imitating the behavior of selected others such as family, friend, or TV heroes.

Technical learning: In which teacher instruct the child in an educational environment about what should be done, how it should be done, and why it should be done.

Culture Is Learned Issues Enculturation: the learning of one’s own culture.

Acculturation: The learning of a new or foreign culture. Language and symbols: Marketers must choose

appropriate symbols in advertising.

Ritual: A ritual is a type of symbolic activity consisting of a series of steps (multiple behavior) occurring in a fixed sequence and repeated over time.

Rituals extend over the human life cycle Marketers realize that rituals often involve


Culture & consumer behavior

Sharing of culture: Culture is transferred through family, schools, houses of worship, and media

Culture is dynamic:- Change occur due to Technology, Migration,

Population shift, Resource shortages, wars, Changing values etc.

- Also known as ‘ TREND’ . ( Ex, Fashion, Automobile, Foods, Entertainment, Lifestyles, women work outside the home are few Hot object to study.

Diversity by Indian Railways Indian village by Amul

Emerging Culture Ritual & Tradition

Culture & consumer behavior

Measurement of culture:

The attitude measurement techniques used by social psychologists and sociologists are relatively popular tools in study of culture.

1-content analysis

2-consumer fieldwork

3-value measurement instruments.

Content analysis: A method for systematically analyzing the content of verbal and or pictorial communication. The method is frequently used to determine prevailing social values of a society.

Consumer field work : A culture measurement technique that takes place within a natural environment that focuses on observing behavior.(sometimes without the subjects awareness).

Value measurement survey instruments:

A variety of value measurement instruments have been used in consumer behavior studies.

Rokeach value survey: Two different list of 18 values ( Terminal & Instrumental) are studied.

Terminal values: The first part consists of 18 terminal value item.

EX. Personal goals, Freedom, Equality, social recognition.

Instrument values: The second part consists of 18 instrumental value item. EX. Ambition, responsibility, Intellect, etc.

List of Values (LOV): A value measurement instrument that asks consumers to identify their two most important values from a nine-value list that is based on the terminal values of the Rokeach Value Survey

Values and Lifestyles (VALS):A value measurement based on two categories: self-definition and resources

Indian Core Values

Family orientation Saving orientation Festivities Shopping as a ritual Mythology Food Habits

Changing cultural trends in Indian urban markets

Achievement orientation Work Ethic Material Success Middle of the road approach to tradition Impulse Gratification Use of hi-tech products


Sub-culture is defined as a distinct cultural group that exists as an identifiable segment within a larger, more complex society.

Ex. Nationality, social class, Religion, Language, Age, Gender.

Divisions of Sub-culture

Nationality subculture: with in a particular country like in India-

Anglo Indians-A person of mixed English and Indian descent

Parsees-The Parsis came to India sometime around the 10th century A.D. to escape Arab persecution in Persia which began in the 7th century.


Mughals-  Mogul Muslim empire in India, 1526–1857. The dynasty was founded by Babur .who came from Farghana, now in Uzbekistan.

Pathans-Pathans came from Afghanistan As a vendor and businessmen. They had living in community different area in India.

Divisions of Sub-culture

Religious sub-culture : Based on different faiths, Beliefs, & Religion.

Like. Muslims





Subculture & consumer behavior

Geographic & Religious sub-culture;

Ex. South Indians, North Indians, North-east Indians.

Racial sub-culture: In Caucasians, Africans, Asian, American & American Indians.

Subculture & consumer behavior

Age sub-culture :

Gender as subculture- All societies have assigned different traits & roles for Males females, like breadwinners for Males & Homemakers for females etc.

GenerationY market

GenerationX market

Baby Boomermarket


Marketers focus

Marketers focus on satisfying traditional tastes & preferences.

Companies are now focusing more on Age sub-culture & gender subculture.

For Ex.

1) Lifestyle

2) Levies

3) Upcoming segment of Unisexual saloons.

4) Automobiles like TVS- Scotty & Bajaj-pulsar etc.

