Crowd Accelerated Innovation - Branch




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I would recommend that your transmedia film projects use a blend of crowd accelerated innovation, diffusion of innovation, and Blue Ocean Strategy.

To use transmedia Blue Ocean Strategy one should draw from existing communities that desire a unique spin on a certain kind of story.

See chart below.

Futuristic Sci-Fi

A Spin-


Parables Today


Action Spy

A Spin-


Parables Today


Any of your projects could work as a spin-off and/or cross-over project with other film projects in your space.

I can provide examples per your requests.

A transmedia diffusion of innovation tactic to ‘cross the chasm’ from hardcore fans to mainstream media usually will consist of encouraging the hard core fans to participate in various count down to the release of campaigns for the ‘tent pole’ project.

In this case your short film release.

See graph below.

Pragmatists Conservatives Skeptics

TV Premiers

Film’s Opening Weekend

Season 2,

Second Week in theater, sometimes the second film.

Netflix [for film and TV]

re-runs and syndication [for TV.]



Channel Surfers Channel Surfers

Early Adopters

Comics, Online Books, ARGs, Fan-Fiction, Video Games, Apps, Social Gaming

Story fans

Story fans

Parables Today


Listen to Sinek’s take on DOI.

Anderson's CAI model, via online file sharing, is an easy model for engaging your hard-core fans in count-down campaigns.

The previous picture metaphorically represents three gears on a giant wheel of innovation and creativity.

If you crank up those gears of crowd, light, and desire, the wheel of creativity and innovation turns faster. And the crowd grows.

Although bigger crowds bring in more innovation, the crowds are mostly composed of other kinds of people. Each person represents an invaluable component to the process.

The second gear, light, speaks to the willingness to share and open up your project in these social media outlets.

Once the sharing reaches large social media audiences, it is either ignored or applauded. Positive feedback dials up the desire.

People continue to share out of a desire for global recognition from the commenters, trend-spotters, and cheerleaders.

It then becomes a perpetual, self-fuelling machine. It is also a self-cleaning machine because the bad ideas lose the crowd and light or quickly collaborate and improve.

This is becoming the new medium for both indie and mainstream film companies.

Cisco estimates that 90% of all IP traffic will be video sharing.

Jonathan Chu is a filmmaker and screenwriter. What he noticed online was the CAI method working with dancers on YouTube.

Chu called this a global laboratory. He eventually recruited the most innovative artists on YouTube and formed LXD. LXD is now one of the most popular web series ever launched on Hulu.

Ron Howard has recently partnered with Cannon in a collaborative project based on 8 independent contributing photogs selected from nearly 100,000 submissions in the Project Imagin8ion contest.

He’s recently aired their first film When You Find Me on YouTube and The American Museum of Natural History.

Each of your projects have room for your fans to collaborate and share either photographs, monologues, or montages. Winner could get recognition from the crowd and a spot in your film.

Social currency is pretty cheap but highly valued in CAI.

#BringBackOurGirls ‘twitpics’ and ‘instagram weekend hashtag projects’ is one of the latest examples of CAI.

This is a countdown to the literal release of several abducted young girls.

Here is more from Chris Anderson
