Cross disciplinary collaboration 07162014 C draft


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Conversation about

A Domain of One’s Own

and Course Chords


Diane Harris Cline

University of Mary Washington (Va.) 2012-13 pilot, 2013 all.

Emory (Ga.) “Domain Incubator” 2013, scale up 2014.

A Domain of One’s Own“Making students

SysAdmins of their

own education”

Social life………… taste

Intellectual digital identity

(reflection activity)

Learning Management Systems and e-portfolios

controlled by administrators or professors don’t

give students authentic experiences they will need

for the workplace. BlackBoard digital activities

disappear at the end of the semester; password

protected sites aren’t shareable or discoverable by


Helping students develop their digital identities --

how they portray themselves to the world -- is a

vital life skill.

The gist:


Talk to Jim Groom at UMW.

See June 3 2014 Educause for five

arguments against Learning Management


Check out Reclaim Hosting – cost per

student as low as $20 per year for URL and


For more information about

A Domain of One’s Own:

Integrative Learning: impact of collaboration

for faculty and students

Dan Pink “Symphonic Thinking”Design – Moving beyond function to engage the

aesthetic sense, using design thinking to solve

wicked problems.

Story – Narrative, not just argument.

Symphony – Adding invention and big picture

thinking (not just detail focus).

Empathy – Going beyond logic and engaging

emotion and intuition.

Play – Bringing humor and light-heartedness to

discovery and learning.

Meaning – the purpose is the journey, connecting

classroom work with the world.

The capstone requirement of the Course Threads

program is a presentation at a Course Threads

symposium. The goal of the symposium is to provide a

forum for reflection on your experience in the program.

Film, essay, short talk, poster, or digital exhibit

End of year course threads


How do they keep track of it?


Example: Under Citizenship

and Leadership theme
