Crime Classification



This presentation is about crimes

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Becca, Nick, and Josh

Having sexual intercourse with another

person, usually females, against their


Attempts to rape someone by force are

counted as forcible rape.

Forcible RapeWhat is it?


83,425 rapes were reported in 2011.

The amounts of forcible rape have gone

down almost every year.

The rate of forcible rapes is 52.7 per

100,000 females in 2011.

The forcible rate rape was 26.8 in 2011.


One of every twelve rapes take place in a public area or in a parking garage.

27% of female victims reported that the offender was a stranger.

43% of rapes occur between the hours of 6 p.m. and 12 a.m.

1 in 3 rapists were under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

In 11% of rapes, the offender used a weapon.

In 33% of rapes, victims who present to the Emergency Room sustained injuries other than rape injuries.

41% of rape victims who present to the Emergency Room require medical care after the attack.


Being in prison for life or more than 5


If with a child under 12 you have the life

punishment and no chance for



What is it?


There are a ton of different scenarios

when prostitution may become an

offense in public or in the private.

Offenses may be but not limited to:

Disorderly Conduct, Obscene Exposure,

Underage prostitution, Loitering around,



At this given moment there are currently 40 Million prostitutes at work

-Prostitution is legal in 22 different countries

-The median price for prostitutes in south Africa is only $1

-$25 is the average price of prostitution in the Chicago area

-$10,000 is the average hourly price for ‘High Class’ Prostitutes in America

-Studies have revealed that 1 in 10 men in America have purchased or are purchasing prostitutes

-The sex industry in Japan and Thailand averages to be about $35 Billion

-America averages 80,000 citizens arrested each year for soliciting sex

-Men aged between 35 & 44 are the highest customers of prostitution

-The #1 reason men purchase prostitutes is to satisfy an immediate urge for sexual intercourse


Punishments for Prostitutions vary


Punishments are all depending on

where the prostitution is taking place

and where it is by.

Punishments may range from

community service to 20 years

in prison.

AssaultWhat is it?

Intentionally hurting someone.

Aggravated Assault- wanting to do

more than scare someone, like intending

to rape, kill, or rob someone.

Statistics and Facts

Only 60% of rapes and sexual assaults are reported to law enforcement officials.

Approximately 73% of rape victims knew their assailant.

Approximately 28% of victims are raped by an intimate partner, 38% by a friend or acquaintance, and 7% by another relative.

Somewhere in America, a woman is sexually assaulted every 2 minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice


Punishment it more severe if assault is aggressive.

Punishment for Common Assault Good behaviour bond

Community Service Order

Suspended sentence

Periodic detention

Home detention

Prison sentence


Drunkenness what is it?

To consume an excessive amount of


Who is more likely to do it

The teen are more likely to drink and

get drunk

The average girl has her first drink at

13, and the first boy has his at 11


For being drunk in public you could get a

ticket for public intoxication.

Sometimes you could get a night in jail

until you sober up.


Women absorb alcohol into the bloodstream faster and metabolize it slower than men.

Women who drink regularly are at significantly greater risk for liver damage than men even if they drink less or drink for a shorter period of time

Excessive drinking can decrease the amount of testosterone in a man's body and cause impotence.

A daily glass of wine will add 10 pounds per year

Moderate use (2-3 drinks) can results a loss of motor coordination for up to 12 to 18 hours after drinking.




