Cordillera Reference Material donated by Maria and James Beebe to the Bontoc Museum, 2015


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Cordillera Reference Material donated by Maria and James Beebe to the Bontoc Museum, 2015

Barton, R. F. (1919/1969). Ifugao law. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Barton, R. F. (1949). The Kalingas: Their institutions and custom law: With an introduction by

E. Adamson Hoebel. Chicago IL: University of Chicago Press.

Barton, R. F. (1963). Autobiographies of three pagans in the Philippines. New Hyde Park, NY:

University Books.

Bello, M. C. (1972). Kankanay social organization and cultural change. Manila: Community

Development Research Council, University of the Philippines, PACD-UP Project.

Billiet, F., & Lambrecht, F. (1970/1974). Studies on Kalinga ullalim and Ifugaw orthography.

Baguio City, Philippines: Catholic School Press.

Bundok, P. (1973). Democracy among the mountaineers. Quezon City: New Day Publishers.

Catholic Mission of Barlig. (1940). The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province 16(10) 365-385.

Typed copy, 16 pages. Red Folder

Cawed, C. (1972). The culture of the Bontoc Igorot. Manila: MCS Enterprises.

Conklin, H. C. (1968). Ifugao bibliography. New Haven, CT: Dept. of Anthropology and the

Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University.

Dozier, E. P. (1967). The Kalinga of Northern Luzon, Philippines. New York, NY: Holt,

Rinehart, and Winston.

Drucker, C. B. (1977). To inherit the land: Descent and decision in Northern Luzon. Ethnology

16(1) 1-20.

Eggan, Fred. (1954). Some social institutions in the Mountain Province, Northern Luzon and the

significance for historical and comparative studies. (Transcript No. 1) Philippines Studies

Program, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago. Typed manuscript. 7 pages

plus 2 page appendix. Note indicates prepared for the Eight Pacific Science Congress,

Manila, November 16-28, 1953 and for publication in the Proceeding of the Eight Pacific

Science Congress. Red Folder.

Ellinger, T. U. H. (1954). Friend of the brave: Bontocs, Ifugaos, Kalingas, Palawanos, Abenlens,

Negritos, Tao-sugs. Manila: Manlapaz.

Flattery, P. (1968). Aspects of divination in the Northern Philippines (photcopy). Chicago, IL:

Philippine Studies Program, Department of Anthropology.

Fuy-os, John and Wilfried Gepta. (1968). The Sadanga way of life: A compilation of tribal

customs and institutions as lived by the Igorots at Sadanga, Bontoc, Mountain Porinvce in

the post-war period. Typed manuscript. 86 pages. Red Folder

Ghysebrachts, M. E. P. (n.d.). Bontoc-English wordbook. Typed manuscript. 70 pages plus

comparison word list.

Ghysebrechts, M. (note indicates about 1925). Description of Bontoc in both Bontoc and

English. Typed manuscript. Includes index. Index indicates this is a duplicate copy. 89

pages. Red Folder

Gowing, P. G., & Scott, W. H. (1971). Acculturation in the Philippines: Essays on changing

societies. A selection of papers presented at the Baguio Religious Acculturation

Conferences from 1958 to 1968. Quezon City: New Day Publishers.

Grant, A. J., Reynolds, H., & Grant, F. B. (1973). The Isneg of the Northern Philippines: A study

of trends of change and development. Dumaguete City, Philippines: Anthropology Museum,

Silliman University.

Himes, Ronald S. (1964). The Bontok kinship system. Philippine Sociological Review

12(3&4)159-172. Typed copy, 20 pages. Red Folder

Read more:


Jenks, A. E. (1905/1970). The Bontoc Igorot. New York, NY: Johnson Reprint.

Keesing, F. M. (1962). The ethnohistory of Northern Luzon. Stanford, CA: Stanford University


Keesing, F. M. (1949) Notes on Bontok social organization. American Anthropologist 51(4) 578-

601. Red Folder

Mallari, I. V., & Wilson, L. L. (1958). Tales from the Mountain Province. Manila: Philippine


Manuel, E. A. (1965). Philippine folklore bibliography: A preliminary survey. Quezon City:

Philippine Folklore Society.

Michel, Oscar. (1947). The life cycle of the Bontoc Igorot. Chez les coupeurs de tetes (Iles

Philippines) Liege Marcehal. Type copy, 9 pages. Red Folder

Ninth and tenth annual Religious Acculturation Conference 1965 and 1966 reprinted from Saint

Louis Quarterly. (1967). Saint Louis Quarterly, 5(1-2).

Prill-Brett, June. (1994). Indigenous land rights and legal pluralism among Philippine

Highlanders. Law & Society Review 28(3) 667-697.

Proceedings of the annual Baguio Religious Acculturation Conference 1969 and 1970 reprinted

from Silliman Journal. (1971). Silliman Journal, 18(3).

Reid, L. (1961) Ritual and ceremony in Mountain Province; A Guinaang wedding ceremony and

Dancing and Music. Philippine Sociological Review 9(3-4) 1-84.

Reid, L. (2009). Lawrence A. Reids’s Homepage: Publications. Retrieved from

Reid, L. (n.d.). Wards and working groups in Guinaang, Bontoc, Luzon. Typed manuscript.

Similar to 1972 article in Anthropos 67(3-4) 530-563.

Richards, C. N. (Ed.). (1951). Death stalks the Philippine wilds: Letters of Maud Huntley Jenks.

Minneapolis, MN: Lund Press.

Scott, W. H. (1969). On the Cordillera: A look at the peoples and cultures of the Mountain

Province. Manila: MCS Enterprises.

Scott, W. H. (1974). Cordillera chronology. Baguio City. Philippines: Baguio Print.

Scott, W. H. (1974). The discovery of the Igorots: Spanish contacts with the pagans of Northern

Luzon. Quezon City, Philippines: New Day Publishers.

SIL Philippines. (2012). Publications to download. Retrieved from http://www-

The cultural minorities of the Philippines. (1967). (Photocopy) Unitas: Quarterly Review of the

Arts and Science, University of Santo Tomas 40(1) 4-234.

Wilson, L. L. (1965 1956; 1953; 1965). The skyland of the Philippines (3d ed.). Baguio:


Wilson, L. L. (1967). Apayao life and legends. Manila: Bookman.

Wilson, L. L. (1967). Ilongot life and legends (1917). Manila: Bookman.

Zingg, Robert. (1930). The Bontocs – A primitive Malay of the Philippines. Inter-Ocean 11 227-

232. Typed copy 10 pages. Red Folder
