Copyright 2



changes made after reading Burmark's chapter 1 & 2

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Copyright in K-12 classroom: A- Z

Copyright protection• Not all information posted on the internet is public

domain. • Any work is copyrighted. Copyright protection is


• Whenever something is posted on the internet, the user is given an implied license to share, print, read or downloaded.

• If one intends, he can give his work an express license by attaching a creative commons ( license to the materials posted on the website.

• The libraries license academic resources for the use of their students.

• One can also get permission to use a piece of work by obtaining the permission to use it through

• For the use in classroom you may use these resources as a fair use checklist:;

• Are very harsh. Court may order up to $150,000 in penalties. For the ignorance of the law one is liable for damages anyway.

• It is best to follow the institutional copyright policy. If one disregards copyright laws the court would be willing to grant the highest penalties.

The TEACH act• TEACH Act covers works a teacher would show or play

during class such as movie or music clips, images of artworks or a poetry reading.

• TEACH Act does not cover materials the teacher may want students to study, read, listen to or watch on their own time outside of class. The teacher will have to rely on other rights they may have to post those materials, such as the fair use statute, or get permission.

• May be found


Orphan works• Because “orphan works” lack sufficient information to

identify their owners or the date, most remain outside the digital environment.

• It could have been used for nonprofit purposes.• and are sources where orphaned works and public domain may be accessed.
