


A Simple PPT for understanding the basics of the widely used metal Copper.

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By Eshan Balachandar

Copper is a low reactive metal. It is more reactive that silver and gold, but less reactive than zinc, iron lead etc.

It has an electronic confi guration of 2,8,18,1.

Different ores of copper


Extraction Of Copper from its ores


Copper is used in three important alloys:


Copper is found in many fine household items, such as jewelry and pots. Over time, though, the surrounding air causes the metal to tarnish

Copper reacts with moist carbon dioxide in the air and slowly loses its shiny brown surface and gains a green coat of Cu(OH)2.CuCo3.

How to Restore tarnished Copper metal?

Vinegar and salt: Clean the copper metal with a mixture of salt and vinegar softly and rinse.

Ketchup: Ketchup can be rubbed onto tarnished copper to restore its natural luster. Then rinse and dry.

Lemon: To naturally clean copper pots and pans, and less fragile copper pieces, cut a lemon in half, add salt to the cut side and rub gently onto the item.

Baking soda: Combine this mineral with lemon juice to clean copper naturally, or sprinkle just baking soda onto a cloth and polish the tarnished copper.


Copper has many uses, in alloy form as well as in the free state.

It is used in electrical cables and appliances as it is a good conductor of electricity.

It is also used in Boiler pipes and Utensils as it is a low reactive metal.
