Converting problems into numbers



Convert Word Problems into Equations

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ACT Math Prep

Converting Word Problems into Equations

How would you convert the following into an equation?

How would you convert the following into an equation?

40% of 10 is X

Say the Conversion Out loud

40% of 10 is X

Say the Conversion Out loud

40% of 10 is XAnswer

Say the Conversion Out loud

40% of 10 is XAnswer

.40 * 10 = X

40% of 10 is X

.40 * 10 = X

40% becomes .40

40% of 10 is X

.40 * 10 = X

of becomes times

40% of 10 is X

.40 * 10 = X

is becomes equals

Ready to Practice?

Convert the following to an equation

Convert the following to an equation

50% of 20 is X

Convert the following to an equation

50% of 20 is X

Say your answer out loud

Convert the following to an equation

50% of 20 is X

Did you say?.50 * 20 = X

Try another one

Convert the following to an equation

60% of 30 is X

Convert the following to an equation

60% of 30 is X

Say your answer out loud

Convert the following to an equation

60% of 30 is X

Did you say?.60 * 30 = X

Convert one more into an equation

120% of 50 is X

Convert the following to an equation

120% of 50 is X

Say your answer out loud

Convert the following to an equation

120% of 50 is X

Did you say?1.2* 50 = X

How would you convert this one into an equation

70% of X is 14

How would you convert this one into an equation

70% of X is 14

Did you say?.7* X = 14

It’s important to remember that word problems generally don’t use X or some other letter. They usually say “a given number”.

Eg. 30% of a given number is 10.That means .3 X = 10
