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2. CONTENTS 2 Introduction Town Planning Basics Name of the Eminent Town Planners Town planner concepts References 3. Introduction 3 The entire discuss of the subject of town planning remains uncompleted without the works of these famous people who gave some of the basic and most extraordinary concepts in town planning. These are the concepts that are still contributing towards making the better quality of city life for community. 4. Town Planning Basics 4 The goal of planning is creating convenient, equitable, healthy, efficient and attractive environments. Three key aspects of a city The physical environment - its location, its climate and its proximity to sources of food and water. The social environment - The social environment includes the groups of a city's residents belong to the neighbourhoods in which they live. The economic environment - the retention and expansion of existing local businesses. 5. Eminent Town Planners 5 Ebenezer Howard (Garden city) Raymond Unwin and Barry Parker (Letchworth city) Clarence Perry, Clarence Stein (The Neighborhood Unit, Rad burn) Patrick Geddes (Survey before plan) Patrick Abercrombie (Town and Country Planning) Frank Lloyd Wright (Broadacre City) Le Corbusier (Sector planning, Chandigarh) Soria-y-Mata (Linear city) Charles Corea (Community housing) Charles Mulford Robinson (Modern Civic Art) H.K. Mewada and P.M. Apte (Sector planning, Gandhinagar) 6. Ebenezer Howard 6 (1850-1928) Concept: The Garden city concept Book written "garden city of tomorrow ideas of garden city by an impressive diagram of "three magnets Letchworth, Welwyn and other city planned. 7. 7 8. Main features of garden city 8 public building located centrally shopping centre to be located on the edge industries to be located on outskirts of the town Rural fresh air, gardens, playfields, cottages etc. And amenities of urban life schools, theatres, hospitals, recreation centres etc. land to be brought under co-operative basis 9. Sir Patrick Geddes 9 (1854 1932) Concept: survey before plan emphasis on survey before plan Diagnosis before treatment to make a correct diagnosis of various ills from which the town suffers & then describe correct remedies for his cure 10. Principal 10 Relationship among folk, places and work. Folk organism (social aspect) place (physical aspect) work (economical aspect) 11. Le Corbusier 11 (1887-1965) Concept: City is a living organism Chandigarh sector wise city planner Known Charles-edourd jeanneret towns are biological phenomenon towns are biological phenomenon such as hearts, limbs, lungs and arteries. 12. Principal 12 Core of the city should be decongested by removing the excess of population Provision of speedy transportation Provision open space in the form of garden, parks, etc. High density population spread over the entire area Family should not be enclose in compound wall instead it is to be lifted up so landscape goes below and occupants can enjoy the beauty of surrounding country 13. 13 The Open Hand is a recurring motif in Le Corbusier's architecture, a sign for "peace and reconciliation. It is open to give and open to receive. The Open Hand 14. Patrick Abercrombie 14 (1879 1957) Concept: Regional Planning planner of city like greater London, Bristol, etc. principal Civic survey before planning town shall be considered as a whole unit Uncontrolled growth of city should be stop Industries should be located on the outer area 15. Barry Parker & Raymond Unwin 15 Richard Barry Parker (1867 1947) & Sir Raymond Unwin (1863 1940) made Letchworth city planning Letchworth Garden City 16. Clarence Stein 16 Concept: The Neighborhood Unit, Rad burn along with Henry Wright prepared the town Rad- Burn in new jersey in New York, 1928 The principals No grid iron road pattern Overall planning of the whole neighbourly area pedestrian should be safe and segregated from other vehicular traffic House to be turn inside out community park spreading on whole of the area 17. Cul-de-sac streets 17 18. Arturo Soria-y-Mata 18 (1844-1920) Concept: Linear city invented urban telephone networks of a subway system for Madrid established a magazine on urbanism called "La Ciudad Lineal first linear city around Madrid to fruition intended to be 48 kilometres long, ringing the city, with a 7 kilometre radial connection. Soria's linear city creates the infrastructure for a controlled process of expansion that joins one growing city to the next in a rational way, instead of letting them both sprawl. 19. H.K.Mewada and P.M.Apte 19 The city was planned and implemented between 1965-1970 by two Indian planners, H.K.Mewada and P.M.Apte. VIDHAN SABHA VIEW AND ROTARY GANDHINAGAR 20. Charles Correa 20 (born Sept 1, 1930) Concept: Different Community housing planning memorial Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Museum at the Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad to Kanchanjunga Apartment tower in Mumbai, the Jawahar Kala Kendra in Jaipur, the planning of Navi Mumbai. 21. References 21 1. G.K. HIRASKAR & K.G. HIRASKAR, DHANPAT RAI PUBLICATIONS(P) LTD. - THE GREAT TOWN PLANNERS OF MODERN AGE. PAGE NO. 5 2. S.C. RANGWALA, K.S. RANGWALA, P.S. RANGWALA. CHAROTAR PUBLISHING HOUSE PVT. LTD. - OBJECTIVE OF TOWN PLANNING. PAGE NO. 3 22. 22 THANK YOU
