

Citation preview

ContextRuth Brady

A drama is “A play for theatre, radio, or television”. We are doing a historical drama because we want parts of the film to be in the past and have almost real events that could have happened or did happen. A historical drama is “Historical people, situations, or things existed in the past and are considered to be a part of history”.


Our short film is about a World War 1 veteran. The first World War took place during 1914 and 1918. It lasted for 4 years, 3 months and 1 week in total. There were many casualties in this World War. Not only did people fighting in the war die, but normal people. The war was between Germany and most of Europe. We have decided that the veteran should be approximately 17 when the World War started because this is the average age of a man who fought in the war. We have to take this into account when we pick a time to set our short film not to make it too late, so he would be too old and it would be believable. Our film could not be set in present times because he would be far too old. We have to think of a way to incorporate the veteran in the film. One way in which we could incorporate the veteran in the short film is to based the present day in the short film as the late 90’s.

World War 1

We believe that an heirlooms is an important thing for a family and can connect a family on an interesting level. There is a hidden story that can be uncovered when it has an importance. This is the base of our story and it is an interesting concept. Most families have heirlooms and could relate to what we want to convey.

