Connecting with Your Students Using Videos Etudes Conference


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Connecting With Your Students Using Personal Videos

Connecting With Your Students Using Personal VideosPresented byJim Marteney

One Type of Class VideosScreen Captures

Creating Instructional Videos

Screen Capture ToolsJing PC/Mac

Screencast-O-Matic PC/Maclimited to 5 minutesFree Tools

CCC Confer PC/Mac

Screen Capture Tools

Screen Capture Tools

Screen Capture ToolsFree Tools

Screen Capture ToolsPaid ToolsFrontcam

Used by Khan AcademyPC $29.95Screenflow Mac

$99Snagit PC $50Mac $50

Camtasia PC $179Mac $99

Screen Capture ToolsPaid Tools


Creating a Screencast

A Second Type of VideoYou

Remember when to video we needed this?

Now we just need this!

Swiss reporters from Lman Bleu in Switzerland execute live standups with an iPhone 6 on a selfie stick.

How Good is the Quality?What can be done with an iPhone 6S+?

The Painter of Jalouzi

Getting Started With Our Free Channel

Obtain a Google Account

Getting Started With Our Free ChannelGo To YouTubeEnter Your Google Account InformationYou now have your own Broadcasting Network!

Create a Script

Pros Keeps your message precise Provides a text you can use for closed captioning Helps overcome nervousness

Create a Script

Cons May lose eye contact Loses the spontaneity of your personality Difficult to read naturally

Grab Your Phone

Attach To A TripodAnd just talk to your students

Upload to your YouTube account

Embed into your class

Has Captioning ToolsCaptioning

Automatic captioningEditing the text



Response to Can I just study the night before? Biology Professor

You say you want to try it?


Now go forth and connect with your students using videos

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