Confidence from Holy Prophet's life


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Importance of Hadith:

. I leave with you two things; as long as you hold fast to them both, you will never be misguided – the Kitab (Book) of Allah and Sunnat of His Rasool (Messenger). (Muwatta)

After studying biography of Prophet MUHAMMAD (saw):

I never suppress in front of enemies. I am not afraid of my femininity. I am not beauty conscious anymore. I’ve never been overwhelmed by exams. I have courage to stand with my believes. I can take revenge just by passing a smile. I am sure about my secure future. I’m proud to be conservative and I can

answer those calling me terrorist.

Yah! I gained confidence, but how??

1).I Never Suppress in Front of Enemies

Siraqa bin Ja’asham went to kill Muhammad (saw) but forelegs of his horse sank into sand, he begged protection So the Prophet (saws) gave him the promise of protection from any future violence in writing, and he said to Siraqa ibn Malik: “What about a day when you will be wearing the Bracelets of Kisra.” There was only one Kisra and everyone knew who this was, but this statement was so shocking that Suraqa ibn Malik had to clarify again: “Kisra!?” The Prophet (saws) said “Yes, Kisra

Points to be noted:

Holy Prophet was calm when siraqaa was chasing them, he didn’t look back while Hazrat Abu Bakar was looking back again and again.

That’s the attitude &calmness to be shown to enemies.

He(saw) gave him parchment of peace. That’s the carelessness to be shown. He gave him the clue of having bracelets of

KISRA. That’s the moral impact and makes you


Psychologically overwhelming enemy: At Fatah Makkah, He (saw) marched

with the army of 10,000 Mujahideen. When they stayed, he (pbuh) ordered his companions that every person will kindle his own fire i.e. no collective meal will be cooked. So when 10,000 people kindled their fire, the inhabitants of Makkah were psychologically overwhelmed that how large and great this army will be??

So he used a communication technique which is now named as “Parallel communication”

Use of “Parallel Communication”: Series and Parallel communication are

two ways of conveying your message. Parallel one is more affective one. We Muslims have been using this

technique since fourteen hundred years ago.

2). I am not afraid of my femininity: I am always carefree and enjoy the protocol

given by my Prophet saw. I don’t have to worry about my clothes, my

food, my shelter, my conveyance. I enjoy care like flowers and all rights of

honor ,of education, of having property and every thing .

I am not afraid of my femininity, my security is responsibility of my dad, my brothers, my husband my grand father and uncles.

I am secure and confident because my Prophet gave me these rights.

Prophet saw said:

“Ride slowly Women sitting inside are Crystals..” (darimi)


I am crystal , a delicate stone

As related by Enes b. Malik: A sahabi named Anjeshe was leading the camels that were carrying the Prophet’s wives on the way back from the last pilgrimage. He was making the camels run with the rhythmic songs he sang with his beautiful voice. The Prophet told him:

“O Anjeshe, ride slowly, do not break the crystals” (Darimi, Istizan, 65).

I can teach scholars wearing hijab:I Personally used to cover my face in my college and yet was the most confident student and debater.

3.I am not beauty conscious anymore:

Related by Enes b. Malik: A bedouin named Zahir brought presents from the desert to the Prophet. When he was leaving the Prophet also gave him presents and told him:

“Zahir represents us living in the desert and we represent him living in the city.”

 Although he was physically a very ugly man, the Prophet loved him dearly. While Zahir was shopping, the Prophet hid himself behind him and asked“ Who am I?” Zahir recognized him . Then the Prophet asked “Who is going to buy this slave?”

Zahir replied: “O Messenger of Allah, do you find me worthless then?”

The Prophet replied: “Are not you a slave of Allah? You are very worthy in Allah’s presence (Ahmed b. Hanbal, Tirmizi, Kandahlavi, III, 1176).

I am beautiest one in this world:

Verily we created Human inThe beautiest way.(surah Tin, verse 4)

4. I’ve never been overwhelmed by exams

Whoever says this 7 times in the morning after fajr, and 7 times after Asr, Allah will take care of whatever worries him/her of the matter of this world and the hereafter.[Sahih Muslim]

I Know, My Allah’ll Not Leave Me Alone

Once I wasn’t prepared for my zoology test and that test was important. In examination hall, I thought to ask near by sitting fellow to help me in this test. Same moment I remembered I’ve recited in morning:

“Allah is enough for me, there is no deity but him, in Him I put my trust and He is the Lord of mighty throne. (surah 9, verse 129).”

So I said my Lord is enough for me then why should I worry about minute things like exams.. And that test went well Alhmdulillah

5.I’ve courage to stand with my believes:

 He (saw)ascended the Mount, Safa one morning and called out aloud: Ya sabahah (O, the calamity of the morning!). There the people of all the clans of Quraish rushed out. When the People had assembled, the Holy Messenger calling out each clan by name, viz. O Bani Hashim, O Bani Abdul Muttalib, O Bani Fihr, O Bani so and so, said: "If I were to tell you that behind the hill there was an enemy host ready to fall upon you, would you believe me?" The people responded with one voice, saying that they never had so far experienced a lie from him. The Holy Prophet said: "Then I warn you that you are heading for a torment." Thereupon, before anyone else could speak, Abu Lahab, the Holy Prophet's uncle, said: "May you perish! Did you summon us for this?"Another tradition adds that he picked up a stone to throw at the Holy Prophet. (Musnad Ahmad, Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Jarir, and others).

Points to be Noted:

Have a good reputation, and refer to that. Don’t speak about yourself instead let the audience say that you are trustworthy.

Don’t afraid they’ll believe in you or not, just speak out.

Holy prophet saw started with ”ya sbahah” which was the Arab traditions at that time. So, follow the lawful , appealing and attracting native styles.

Abu Lahab’s response was too harsh, but it didn’t matter for him(saw). He continued his job.

6.Proud to be conservative:

He saw used parallel communication technique 1400 years ago.

He gave us theory “student studies better when he feels accepted by teachers and peers”.

“why zaid r.a refused to go with his dad and uncle”?

He gave women property rights 1400 years ago while “Married women property act in Europe was passed in 1870”.

And I’ve many more facts on this topic, it’ll be lengthy.

Proud to be conservative:

Some other points: Hijab wearing. Polygamy.Main label which we have to remove

from our foreheads is of terrorism? Just know what message really Holy Prophet’s ahadith give.

Don’t be defensive,Don’t be apologizing…Just memorize following ahadith an


Am I Terrorist?

Who started first world war? Who started second world war? Who killed about 20 million aborigines in

Australia? Who sent nuclear bombs to Hiroshima

and Nagasaki? Who killed more than 50 millions of

Indians in south America? Who took 180 millions of African people

as slaves and 88% of them died and were thrown in Atlantic ocean?

How peaceful he was?

 Before speaking the salaam should be said. (Tirmizi)

 A muslim is he from whose tongue and hands a Muslim is safe. (Bukhari and Muslim)

Whoever remains quiet attains salvation. (Tirmizi)

love for people what you love for yourself. “Do not kill any child, any woman, or any

elder or sick person.” (Sunan Abu Dawud). “Accustom yourselves to do good if people

do good, and to not do wrong even if they commit evil.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

How peaceful he (saw) was:

Religion is the name of well-wishing. (Bukhari)

How peaceful he was:

Holy prophet saw said, Allah says: “o my slaves, I’ve made barbarity

haram on myself. So don’t be barbarous among yourselves.”

(sahi Muslim).
