Concept Attainmenet Model on buoyancy


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A building collapsing



Leaves falling from the tree


Apple falling from the tree


Man jumping off the cliff

Ice cubes in a glass

Man falling

Separate the above examples into positive and negative examples

What are the essential characteristics of positive examples ?

How are the positive examples different from the negative examples ?

Define the concept in your own words

The objects float on water due to a upward force or thrust called buoyancy exerted by the water

Eggs in a bowl


Toy duck

Coins on a table

Man floating

Why are some examples negative

Why are some examples positive

State some more positive examples of your own

What came to your mind when you first came across the positive and negative examples

Did any example confuse you ?

1.downward force > upward force 2. mass per unit volume of the object (density)3.density of the fluid

why does a coin sink and a cork float ?
