Concentration test




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How quickly can you say the following colours, not the

words themselves, but the colour they

are written in?

Left – Right Conflict

Your right brain tries to say the colour but your left

brain insists on reading the word

Improving Your Concentration!

Here are a few tips to help you Improve your concentration

• Enhance your concentration and powers of focus,

• Enhance your will-power,

• Become a highly disciplined time manager,

• The Two Minute Mind, is an excellent exercise for developing concentration. Simply stare at the second hand on your wristwatch for two minutes and think about nothing else for that time. At first your mind will wander but after 21 days of practice, your attention will not waver during the routine. One of the greatest qualities a person can develop to ensure his success is the ability to focus for extended periods of time. Learn to build up your concentration muscles and no task will be too difficult for you.

• To enhance your concentration, read a passage in a book you have never explored.

• 6. 83% of our sensory input comes from our eyes. To truly concentrate on something, shut your eyes and you will remove much distraction.
