Companion Planting Program: Cultivating Community Growth Between the Housed and Houseless



Companion Planting Program: Cultivating Community Growth Between the Housed and Houseless

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H2H (Housed to Houseless)

Companion Planting Program

Cultivating Community Growth Between the Housed and Houseless !








AVAIL is a local non-profit corp that was established in

order to alleviate houselessness within the Birmingham community.

One way that AVAIL alleviates houselessness is

through Urban Farming. This provides both jobs and food for the houseless community. Because you have agreed to join us in this venture, not

only will you receive educational materials, tools,

water, a raised box, soil, and a selection of seeds you

will also be paired with a houseless individual. The individual that you are partnered with will share in

the cultivating and laboring of the crop and also the

result of your combined efforts.....PRODUCE!!! Thanks for your commitment to self-sufficiency and helping to alleviate houselessness! -AVAIL: Friends of the Houseless


Companion Planting Companion Planting is a form of organic gardening that has been practice for

centuries. The idea behind this technique of gardening is that certain crops have other crops that they grow better alongside of. There is symbiotic nature that some

plants have when planted with such companions. The benefits of companion gardening include but are not limited to protection from pests, fungi, and bacteria,

improved space to grow, richer soil, and protection from weather and physical elements. In a sense these companion crops assist each other in growing to their

fullest potential. As much as possible we strive to plant and garden in this manner. On a later page you will find a chart of plants that act as companions in each other’s


We at AVAIL believe that if the theory and method of companion planting is beneficial enough for our different crops, than it should be just as beneficial when

applied to different communities. Thus, not only do we practice companion planting, but we also strive to practice companion living. This is the inspiration for our H2H

farming program.

It is our hope that just as our crops benefit from other companion crops those individuals in both the housed and houseless communities would benefit from living

in companionship with the other. For AVAIL not only do we live this out in our organizational day-to-day life, but specifically we are able to practice companion living in the neutral space of AVAIL Farms through the H2H farming program.

If you will refer to the “How to Interact and Give” section, you will find examples of how to practice companion living with the houseless individual that you have been

paired with.

Farming with the Houseless As you know and are well aware of, when you agreed to cultivate a box for a

year you also agreed to interact and engage with an individual of the houseless community. In striving to alleviate the season of houselessness for these individuals, we not only want to provide them with food and work, but even more so a space in which barriers, stereotypes and perspectives might be shifted. We desire for AVAIL Farms to be a space of interaction in and amongst different communities. Bringing together these communities, in the West End of Birmingham, we believe that a shift in Birmingham can occur and healing can truly begin within each community. While our main goal is to be effective in the houseless community we also seek to alleviate whichever season all of us are in by creating community. As you interact with houseless individuals, those who live in the west end, and other individuals who are participating with AVAIL we hope that you enter into a season of growth. A season of new friendships. A season of farming. For those of you who might not have previously interacted with the houseless community, I guarantee you will be able to find several points of commonality. Regardless of why these individuals find themselves in a season of houselessness, they each deserve the opportunity of friendship, growth, and a space in which to reach their fullest potential and realize their worth. A large reason for houselessness is the lack of consistency or a negative consistency in one’s life. Counteractively, we at AVAIL (and we ask you too) strive to be a positive consistency in each individual’s life. While there are realistic risks when interacting with the houseless community, we have been building relationships with the men and women that will be involved for almost two years and hope that you find them just as warm and inviting as we do. We know these individuals well and have preapproved their involvement in this program. The individual you have been paired with has a story, we encourage you to listen to, enter into it, and merge your stories. We promise that if you listen attentively and give these individuals a chance you might learn a thing or two. Thank you for your willingness to participate and support AVAIL through this venture. We hope that this season might be fruitful for you as well!

Hunter Davis and Austin Richardson Co-Founders of AVAIL: Friends of the Houseless

How to Help and Interact with Houseless Individuals

How to Interact:

-While the only conversation you may have had with an individual who lives on the streets is one that involves panhandling, the individual you will be paired up with is worth more than just your stereotypical thought and shrug. Attempt to interact and communicate with the individual that you have been paired with. While we believe that you all are very capable of interacting with individuals from different communities, you wouldn’t believe how many people ask for assistance in this area. So below, we have listed different topics of conversation that should serve useful in getting to know your farming companion.

-Topics of Conversation* - Where are you from? Discuss their story. - Discuss possible family members, jobs, school, traveling, and

military experience. - How long have you been houseless?

- What does a typical day look like for you? - Of course the famous Auburn or Alabama question! Sports are usually a great convo piece. - How long have you known AVAIL (Hunter and Austin)? - What is the hardest part about being houseless? - What is the best way to help? *Use discretion on when to ask these questions. Some are too personal and will need to wait for further interaction.

-The most important thing to remember is to be genuine and authentic in your approach. People know when you are being fake. One way to do this effectively is not only asking them questions, but to answer them yourself. They will only share their story once you have shared some of your own.

How to Help:

- The main rule of thumb as we all know is not to give cash money, but to give specifically instead. While this is a useful tip, one cannot know how to give specifically and effectively unless they are listening to the needs of the individual. As you get to know their story, you will better know the needs of the individual that you are partnered with. Listed below are items that are always thankfully accepted:

! ! ! - Food - Hygiene Products - Clothing - Blankets

- Tobacco - Conversation - Socks/Shoes - Bus Passes


Guidelines and Info

for Farming with AVAIL: Friends of the Houseless

Organic Farming: Here at AVAIL we seek to be as organic as possible in our methods of farming. This method is included in our water usage, solar power, soil, and seed. We ask that as you farm along side of us, you too practice organic agricultural methods. How? -Only use the soil that we provide and/or the compost

that is found in the bins next to the shed. If you decide to produce your own compost please follow the guidelines found in the latter portions of this notebook. -Do not use any fertilizers on your plants that is not produced and/or provided by AVAIL. This will ensure an organic crop for all to enjoy. Even fertilizer in your box could affect other individual boxes. -If there is a sufficient amount of rainwater available in the rain barrels we would prefer to use this water before using Birmingham water for our plants. -Only use organic seeds that we have approved or provided.

Watering: For the present time, Austin and Hunter (Co-Founders of AVAIL) will perform all watering of the crops. When we have a sufficient form of irrigation in which to water our crops we will ask that individuals sign up for opportunities to water the farm. We will not implement a timed irrigation system for the simple reason of having a consistent presence in the neighborhood. Interaction with the Neighborhood: While our main focus is on the houseless community we also intend to be a positive influence for the West End Community. They have been very gracious in allowing us the use of this land, lets make them feel just as welcomed!

Guidelines and Info for Farming with

AVAIL: Friends of the Houseless

What is Compost? -Compost is a beneficial, soil-like substance. It is a

mixture of decayed and decaying organic matter that improves soil structure and provides nutrients for plants. Easily put -compost is a mixture of paper, food, and plant waste that decomposes into an organic soil.

How to Compost? -Composting can become as easy of a habit as recycling

and taking out the garbage. Just watch and remember for those waste products that can be composted and put those in a separate bin. Usually individuals will collect a couple of days or a week worth of compost and then dump it into a larger bin (aka: our bins at the farm). If you allow the waste to decompose over a long period of time and turn the pile occasionally during that period, in a few months you will have organic composted soil. In order to compost efficiently and effectively compost must be exposed to heat and air. These two elements help the bacteria that break down the waste work quicker.

What to Compost? The typical rule is “anything that is plant-based should

be composted, while anything that is animal-based should not. Below is a list of things that are compostable.

-Office Paper -Fireplace Ash -Eggshells -Dryer Lint -Tea Bags -Hair and Fur -Paper Towel Rolls -Shredded Newspaper -Plant Trimmings –Coffee grounds/filters

-Yard Clippings (remove weeds) -Discarded Vegetables (remove seeds) In any compost pile, make sure to chop up the waste, the

smaller the item the quicker the decomposition. Also, keep a fair balance between wet (food) and dry (paper, grass) compost.


Guidelines and Info for Farming with

AVAIL: Friends of the Houseless

How do I know when to plant? If you will refer to your Annual Crop Plan, you will see when is the appropriate time to plant each crop. Graciously borrowed from our friends at Jones Valley Urban Farm, this plan should provide a successful planting timeline. How do I know how to plant each crop? If you will refer to your Crop Planting Guide, you will see the specifications for the width between each crop and how many seeds to plant. How often and when can I come out to the farm? You are welcome to come out to the farm at any time in order to work on your box or merely to enjoy the farm. We ask that you keep the crowds to a minimum and of course keep in mind the surrounding community. How do I get in touch with the houseless individual that I have paired with? If that individual has a cell phone they might have given you their number, please try that first. If that does not succeed, contact either Hunter or Austin and they should be able to get in contact with that individual.

How do I donate to AVAIL: Friends of the Houseless? You may donate to AVAIL through cash, check, or credit/debit card by contacting either Hunter or Austin, going to the website, or sending it to the headquarter address. Who do I contact in case of a question or concern? You may contact Hunter Davis or Austin Richardson (co-founders of AVAIL)*

@ Phone:

205.202.9729 Email: *If an emergency please contact the appropriate authority and then Hunter or Austin

FAQ’s (Frequen

tly Asked Questions)

How to Read and Use the Crop Plan and Crop Planting Guide

Crop Plan:

- At the top of the chart is the Month, underneath you will see each week of the month (ex: 4.1-the 1st week of April, 4.2-the 2nd week of April, etc...)

- On the left hand side of the chart you will find each crop listed that AVAIL will provide the seeds for during the appropriate season. AVAIL may also provide special crops not listed--please request their availability.

- To utilize the crop plan effectively, one may plant a seed at any point during the green space of any given crop (ex: Okra 3.4-8.4—last week of March till the last week in August).

- If there is a 1 next to the crop that you wish to grow, it must be transplanted. Meaning, it will be grown separately in a pod and then transplanted into the box at a later date. Transplanting must begin 2-4 weeks prior to the planting date shown in green.

Crop Planting Guide: - Each crop has a specific amount of room that it needs in order for it to grow

appropriately. Each crop needs about a foot of room for it to grow appropriately. Therefore, Listed on the Crop Planting Guide is how many seeds need to be placed per foot. For example: for each onion you plant to grow you need to plant 24 seeds every foot—You will dig a small hole about 3inches deep and plant 24 seeds in that hole. The next onion or other crop you plan to grow should be planted one foot from that point.

- The company from whom we buy our seeds has given these measurements to us.



Month&&&&> Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Crop 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 12.1 12.2
















































Crop% Planting%Procedure%Lettuce! 5!seeds/ft!Parsley! 40!seeds/ft!

Cabbage,!Chinese! 3!seeds/ft!Onion,!bulb! 24!seeds/ft!Spinach! 10!seeds/ft!

Swiss!Chard,!full!size! 6!seeds/ft!Swiss!Chard,!baby!leaves! 40!seeds/ft!

Turnip! 35!seeds/ft!Kale! 5!seeds/ft!

Rutabega! 6!seeds/ft!Cauliflower! 2!seeds/ft!

Okra!(transplanted)! 1!plant/ft!Carrot! 30!seeds/ft!

Lima!Bean! 4!seeds/ft!!




AVAIL%Farms% Companion%Planting%Guide% AVAIL%Farms%%

Crop% Companion%Beans% Potatoes,%carrots,%cucumbers,%cauliflower,%cabbage,%summer%

savory,%most%other%veggies%&%herbs%Beet% Onions,%kohlrabi%

Broccoli% Basil,%Beans,%Cucumber,%Dill,%Garlic,%Hyssop,%Lettuce,%Marigold,%Mint,%Nasturtium,%Onion,%Potato,%%Radish,%Rosemary,%Sage,%Thyme,%

Tomato%Cabbage% Potatoes, celery, dill, chamomile, sage, thyme, mint, pennyroyal,

rosemary, lavender, beets, onions, chard%Carrot% Peas, lettuce, chives, onions, leeks, rosemary, sage, tomatoes%

Cauliflower% Basil,%Bean,%Dill,%Garlic,%Hyssop,%%Lettuce,%Marigold,%Mint,%%Onion,%Rosemary,%Sage,%Thyme%

Chard% N/A%Chives% Carrots%Chicory% N/A%Collards% Basil,%Bean,%Cucumber,%Dill,%Garlic,%Hyssop,%Lettuce,%%Marigold,%

Mint,%Nasturtium,%Onion,%Potato,%Radish,%Rosemary,%Sage,%Thyme%Corn% Potatoes,%peas,%beans,%cucumbers,%pumpkin,%squash%

Cress,%Upland% N/A%Cucumber% Beans,%Broccoli,%Cabbage,%Carrot,%Cauliflower,%Collard,%Corn,%Kale,%

Lettuce,%Nasturtium%Onion,%Pea,%Radish,%Tomato%Eggplant% Beans,%Garlic,%Pea,%Spinach%Endive% N/A%Fennel% Basil,%Dill%Garlic% Collard%Kale% Basil,%Beans,%Dill,%Garlic,%Lettuce,%Onion,%Radish,%Rosemary,%Sage,%

Thyme,%Tomato%Kohlrabi% Beet%Leek% Onions,%celery,%carrots%Lettuce% Beans,%Carrot,%Cauliflower,%Collard,%Cucumber,%Onion,%%Radish%

Muskmelon% N/A%Mustard% N/A%Okra% N/A%Onion% Beets,%Broccoli,%Cabbage,%Carrot,%Cauliflower,%Celery,%Cabbage,%%


Parsley% Asparagus,%Tomato%Peas% Squash%Pepper% Bean,%Carrot,%Onion%Potato% Beans,%corn,%cabbage,%limas,%eggplant%Radish% Peas,%lettuce,%cucumbers%Rutabega% N/A%Spinach% Celery,%Cauliflower,%Eggplant,%Pea,%Strawberry%Squash% Corn%

Sweet%Potato% N/A%Tomato% Chives, onion, parsley, asparagus, carrot, limas%Turnip% N/A%

Watermelon% N/A%


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AVAIL:&Friends&of&the&Houseless&is a non-profit

corporation that was established in order to

alleviate houselessness within the Birmingham community. Taking a relational approach to

ministry, AVAIL seeks to assist houseless

individuals in reaching their fullest potential.!

!AVAIL’s Urban Farm exists so that it might provide jobs and food

for the houseless community. Being

planted within the West End, AVAIL hopes to be a positive aspect within

the community.!!

AVAIL:&Friends&of&the&Houseless&is a non-profit

corporation that was established in order to

alleviate houselessness within the Birmingham community. Taking a relational approach to

ministry, AVAIL seeks to assist houseless

individuals in reaching their fullest potential.!

!AVAIL’s Urban Farm exists so that it might provide jobs and food

for the houseless community. Being

planted within the West End, AVAIL hopes to be a positive aspect within

the community.!!

AVAIL:&Friends&of&the&Houseless&is a non-profit

corporation that was established in order to

alleviate houselessness within the Birmingham community. Taking a relational approach to

ministry, AVAIL seeks to assist houseless

individuals in reaching their fullest potential.!

!AVAIL’s Urban Farm exists so that it might provide jobs and food

for the houseless community. Being

planted within the West End, AVAIL hopes to be a positive aspect within

the community.!!










! !











Volunteer Waiver and

Release Form

Volunteer Name:

[ ] Check here if Volunteer is under age 18

Contact E-mail:

Parent/Legal Guardian Email:



Emergency Contact


Relationship to Participant:


[ ] Check here if you do not desire to receive the AVAIL Newsletter.




AVAIL: Friends of the Houseless 2300 First Avenue North, Suite 103

Birmingham, AL 35203




In return for being allowed to participate in AVAIL volunteer activities and all related activities, including any activities incidental to such participation (“Volunteer Activities”), the undersigned Volunteer or Parent/Legal Guardian of Volunteer if Volunteer is under age 18 (hereafter referred to using “I”, “me”, or “my”) releases and agrees not to sue the AVAIL or its officers, directors, employees, sub-contractors, sponsors, agents and affiliates (“the Organization”) from all present and future claims that may be made by me, my family, estate, heirs, or assigns for property damage, personal injury, or wrongful death arising as a result of my participation in the Volunteer Activities wherever, whenever, or however the same may occur.

I understand and agree that the Organization are not responsible for any injury or property damage arising out of the Volunteer Activities, even if caused by their ordinary negligence or otherwise.

I understand that participation in the Volunteer Activities involves certain risks, including, but not limited to, serious injury and death. I am voluntarily participating in the Volunteer Activities with knowledge of the danger involved and I agree to accept all risks of participation.

I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Organization for all claims arising out of my participation in the Volunteer Activities.

I understand that this document is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the state in which the Volunteer Activities take place and agree that if any portion of this Agreement is invalid, the remainder will continue in full legal force and effect.

I also acknowledge that the Organization has not arranged and does not carry any insurance of any kind for my benefit or that of Volunteer (if Volunteer is under 18), my parents, guardians, trustees, heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. I represent that, to my knowledge, I am in good health and suffer no physical impairment that would or should prevent my participation in Volunteer Activities.

I also understand that this document is a contract, which grants certain rights to and eliminates the liability of the Organization.

(Signature of Volunteer) Date

I am of legal age and am freely signing this agreement. I have read this form and understand that by signing this form, I am giving up legal rights and remedies.

(Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian if Volunteer is Under 18) Date

I am the parent or legal guardian of the Volunteer. I am of legal age and am freely signing this agreement. I have read this form and understand that by signing this form, I am giving up legal rights and remedies.
