Companion: Never Walk Alone App


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Companion: Never Walk Alone

Ang, Helenna. Gonzales, Louise. Yao, Ria

Background● Dramatic surge in crime rates

● Personal Security applications

● A group of students from University of Michigan

unveiled an app


● Used to reach out to family, friends and police

Features of the App● Live Map

● Send alerts to companion

● Check what has happened to the user

● Option to call 911

How it works?1. Key in your destination

2. Choose companions

3. Start the trip

Benefits/Advantages of the Companion App● It is a practical tool that fills the specific needs of the user.

● It helps parents to have a way of monitoring their children’s safety.

● The companion doesn’t need to install the application.

● According to an article in Business Insider, “....Lots of parents want to use

the app for their children, and some people want their elderly parents to use

it, too, to make sure they don’t get lost.”
