Common mistakes in warehouses


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Common mistakes in

a warehouseAnd how you can overcome them

Proper warehouse management can be a daunting task…

As you can be in charge of hundreds upon thousands of


Without the right management your warehouse can be a complete mess.

Take a look at the most common challenges that are faced in warehouse management.

Inventory accuracy

This is when you do not have fullvisibility of what inventory you have. 

Often leading to having to much excessive stock or too little. 

Inventory accuracy

An automated warehouse management system will help with your stock accuracy.

If you do not know where your inventory is, it can slow down operations and increase costs. 

Inventory location

Barcode scanners will direct pickers to the item location and prompt them with the number of items to be scanned and shipped.

Inventory location

Implementing the first in first out (FIFO) concept will reduce old stock building up.

Your warehouse layout is important! 

Space utilisation

Redundant processes waste time and can be costly. 

Re-evaluate your processes to eliminate the redundant processes and stream your workflow.

Redundant processes

Manual labour is the thing of the past. More errors occur and is more time consuming. 

Picking optimisation

Automating the routing process will reduce wear and tear on both your company’s equipment and labour work, not to mention optimising your picking process to its full capacity.

Picking optimisation

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