Cm417 intro part 2, updated for Spring 2013



Part 2 of Intro Lecture for Fundamentals of Creative Development at BU College of Comm. Posting for students to access.

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Fundamentals ofCreative Development


What is great?


What is great?A/1


To help you develop your taste and judgement as to what is great creative.

Find one ad that you consider creatively great and one that you think is terrible. They can be magazine ads, billboards (photograph it), online ads, posters. Don't use TV for this exercise. Capture them somehow (digitally or torn out).

Prepare to discuss what makes it great or not. What works, what doesn't. Think about what is creative. There are no right answers. This is your opinion.


Ability to express yourself and argue in favor of your position. 

Recap Why do we advertise?What is role of creativity?What makes for creativity?

OriginalUnexpectedInvite you inEntertain !rstProvokeAvoid clicheVisually arrestingFun

Part two

A quick history lesson.

Once upon a time we could get away with crap.

We didn’t really need creative.

Writer, art director, message, paid media, bought attention.

Post WWII, more competition, choices, imports, options. Creativity became a competitive advantage.

Bill Bernbach and the creative revolution changed the face of advertising.


It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it that stirs people.

Bernbach put the copywriter and the art director in the same room.




If you build it they will come.

Join the conversation, distribute content, add value, invite participation, create utility.



Technologist, social specialist, utility, owned media, earned attention.

OriginalUnexpectedInvite you inEntertain !rstProvokeAvoid clicheVisually arrestingFun

But many of them are more than messages.

ParticipatoryInteractiveUser generatedShareableUsefulEnduringPlatforms

A good idea still matters. It earns attention, gets remembered, inspires action.

A good idea still matters. It earns attention, gets remembered, inspires action.


Where do good ideas come from?

StrategyInsightDeep explorationCollisionsVolumeDisciplineCreative standardsRelentlessness

What are the skills we need?

Ability to simplifyWrite clearlyArt and copyDesignTell storiesInventBreak free from conventionExecute


What is great?


What is great?A/1


To help you develop your taste and judgement as to what is great creative.

Find one participatory creative idea that you consider great. It can be digital, mobile, social. An app, a utility, and experience. Post to the stream with a brief, sentence or two, explanation. And then bring to class somehow (link?) so that you can present and discuss.

Prepare to discuss what makes it great or not. What works, what doesn't. Think about what is creative. There are no right answers. This is your opinion.


Ability to express yourself and argue in favor of your position.