Cluetrain Manifesto



No. 5- 14

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Based on my 250 words Reflection

Our voices serve as our identity

We have different voices like the way we have our different personalities

Mass medias offers much on communication rather conversations.

Mass Medias can be easily controlled

Connection through conversation weakens the hierarchy

Through small talks, people can understand each other better

Internet and Intranet allow people to have conversations

These conversations cant be controlled by anyone

New way of doing things give birth to innovation

You can do same things in different time with the same essence but not with the same process.

People can easily adapt to changes

Markets easily cope with the environment they belong

People trust someone who they know will not hide anything from them

Markets can’t be bribe easily because they are sharing their knowledge and experiences

Markets only tell what they know and experienced

Markets and companies is a matter of give and take

Company still trying to control the market by controlling their employees

Degree of freedom is the only difference between what is happening on markets and among employees

Corporations still doesn't know how to be human

You cant hide who you really are
