Climate change in ca deserts


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Climate change in CA DesertsBy: Stephanie Zamora

What is Climate Change?a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.

Where is it Happening? It’s happening all everywhere all over the world, my focus is here at home; in our deserts

Desert Sun :WHITEWATER – Scientists recently surveyed one patch of the desert and found more desert tortoises dead than alive. Some types of lizards and insects have been vanishing from areas where they once thrived. And on mountainsides that have grown hotter and drier, birds have been shifting to higher elevations

How does effect life on Earth? Or how is life Effected by it?

As we’ve learned the Earth goes through natural climate changes during certain seasons, one of the changes we see her in southern California is the El Niño. Although the El Niño is a natural change the effects of El Niño change along with climate change caused by humans. This however is not the only changes we see. In an article by National Geographic have seen dramatic changes in the ecosystem of our deserts. I know when think Climate change the first thing we think is save the polar bears! But…..

How does effect life on Earth? Or how is life Effected by it?It effects life on Earth by killing life that comes from the Desert. Again I understand that when we think Climate change the desert isn’t the first thing cross any ones minds it’s the North and South Poles all of the Glaciers we’re losing the Polar Bears that have been found far away from their natural homes. For example the Jashua  Tree has been marked as threatened” under the Endangered Species Act. So far, only one species, the polar bear, has been added to the national list based on the threats posed by climate. National Geographic also printed this in their article “The Desert Southwest and the Arctic are being ripped apart by climate change faster than anywhere else because they are North America's most extreme ecosystems”. Most extreme ecosystems here at home in our desert not the first that crosses our minds as drive through the desert is it.

Is there a problem with your topic?

Absolutely there is MANY. But the main one is that we don’t hear about the effects that the Desert disappearing will have, we are to focused on one Giant piece of information that we’ve become obsessed with saving the Polar Bears. Why don’t we zoom out and look out to our very own backyard. What about black-throated sparrows and found that they failed to reproduce during the hottest, driest year in the areas where they were common."None of them bred at all, or if they tried to nest, their nests failed. And many pairs just didn't even attempt to build a nest," Hargrove said. "If it's over a certain threshold of hot and dry, they can't reproduce.“Now this may seem like just one bird but that bird play a big role in our food chain. Also our desert tortoises are also disappearing.

What are some solutions?

Well they’re the same as almost every problem we currently have. Fossil Fuels not using the right natural gas. Buying factory farmed foods. We can’t focus on one area to stop the change we have to look at the entire picture. Recycling, using glass instead of plastic bottles, reusing water bottles if we buy them, keeping our oceans clean. Changing what we use as sources to create clothing. All of these small things will make a small impact by ever person but if everyone tries many small impacts become large impacts.      
