Classic pop analysis


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Magazine Analysis –

‘Classic Pop’KATIE WINN

Title-The word ‘classic’ in the title suggests the magazine is of a high quality, traditional and authentic, giving it a strong brand identity and creating the perception that the information inside is of a high standard and the best of its kind. Whereas the word ‘pop’ contrasts with this as it is a new, current concept, giving the magazine a fresh and modern twist. The title also suggests that the magazine is targeting a varied demographic as ‘pop’ is young and current, whereas ‘classic’ suggests it is targeted towards older consumers. This potentially conveys how the brand is trying to keep older pop artists more current, and mixing the genres to create an exciting vibe.Masthead-Both words are have white, legible typography, making them easy to read and simplistic, adding to the authenticity of the magazine. This type of font conveys that the magazine is laidback and fun, and aimed more toward people who have music as a hobby or pastime as it is not too serious. The word classic has a red, rectangular background, this colour combination connotes importance and that it is informative. The black background behind the word ‘pop’ makes it really stand out and gives it an old school feel. The masthead is unconventional as it doesn't stretch across the whole page, instead it stops just over half way.

Front Cover Analysis

Front Cover Analysis continuedFeature article photograph-The feature article photograph is a group shot, meaning it automatically is somewhat unconventional. It is a full length shot, meaning the members can be seem from head to toe, exposing them, suggesting the article is in depth and informative. The members are all making eye contact making them look equal and giving the magazine a welcoming, inviting feel. The body language of the cover stars makes them seem intimidating as they have their arms folded or on their hips and somewhat reserved as it is a long shot and they have expressionless faces, meaning no information about them is revealed. The cover stars are cut out and have a white border around them, making them stand out. The age of the cover stars is around 30-40 which initially suggests they have a middle aged demographic. However, the colourful background makes it seem as if the company are trying to make the band more youthful and modern and rebrand them to appeal to a wider variety of ages. The apparel of the cover stars allows the reader to denote a lot of information about the band and their brand identity as the leather makes them look edgy and intimidating, however the casual trousers and shoes they are wearing make them a bit more relatable and less daunting.

Cover line-The cover line is unconventional as it is positioned in the middle of the page, obstructing the feature article photograph, however, this makes it clear to reader that it is the main feature of the magazine. It is written in a basic, large typography, which makes it stand out and easy to read. The top line is cut off half way to add fun and to it and make it more aesthetically interesting. The text is all capitalised which highlights its importance and make it more attention grasping. The word “modern” is used as well as describing them as “Gods” which highlight the diversity of the magazine’s demographic, as they are trying to incorporate modern, new ideas to appeal to younger readers as well as the typical ‘Duran Duran’ fan. Puff-The puff is an alliterative phrase - unconventionally placed in the centre of the ‘O’ in the masthead - which helps to boost the status of the magazine and give away more information about the contents of it. The typography of the puff is easy to read and the colour of the font contrasts with the background it is on, adding to the legibility, however, the main picture is positioned in front of the masthead, intercepting the readers view of the puff.

Front Cover Analysis continued

Front Cover Analysis continuedFillers-The magazine uses fillers to fill the negative space around the cover stars and add interest to the front cover. One of the pictures used as a filler is a set of cartoon lips, wearing red lipstick which makes it appeal slightly more to girls as the feature article photo is targeted more at boys. Also, the red ties in with the red in the masthead, giving it a well established house style. Also, the vintage telephone image, gives the magazine a retro feel, appealing to an older demographic, as well as younger.Plugs-The plugs are unconventional as they are placed along the top and bottom of the magazine, rather than flushed down the sides, this makes them seem as if they are of little importance as they do not captivate the reader. The typography used is interesting and unique at the bottom, but basic and easy to read at the top, suggesting it is informative, this allows the reader to understand the diversity of the information inside the magazine.Language-The language used on the front cover is quite simplistic revealing the laid-back tone of the contents. It also uses lists to give as much information as possible, and to entice the reader by advertising as many artists as possible.

Contents Page AnalysisThe logo of the magazine is at the top of the page in place of a running head, this reiterates to the reader what magazine it is and reminds them about the genre.This is done to create a professional, organised brand identity, suggesting to the reader that it is a well-established, coordinated magazine.

There are lots of pictures that take up the main body of the contents pages, this allows the reader to get involved with the magazine, and take interest in articles easily. It also makes the magazine aesthetically pleasing. The rigid structure of the pictures and the title connotes that the magazine is organised and affirms an organised house style.

The main text is placed at the bottom to provide extra information for the reader, which helps them navigate throughout the magazine, the typography is very legible as the colour contrasts with the background and the font is not too elaborate. This is done to provide the audience with extra information if they are interested, it provides function rather than aesthetic appeal.

The title of the page is placed on the left hand side, at the top of the page which is where the readers eyes are immediately drawn. However, it is unconventional as it is written vertically and the typography is very narrow making it seem squashed, despite adding interest and personality to the page, it makes it difficult to read and therefore it could be improved by changing the typography slightly.

Contents Page Analysis ContinuedThe contents page follows the same red, black and white colour scheme as the front cover, this creates a strong brand identity, and appeals to the reader as it seems sophisticated and professional.

The main body of text is split into sections using headlines that are in a bold, clear typography, this entices the reader and makes them drawn to it, it is also stretched out to make it wider to highlight its importance and make it more prominent.

The typography is always either written in bold or capitalised, this portrays that it is all important to read, making the reader more drawn to it and more interested.

All the pictures are either candid or posed-candid to suggest the magazine is authentic and revealing, as they act as a teaser for the articles inside the magazine.

There are large, clear page numbers on the pictures which are always either black or white to contrast with the background, this makes it easy for the reader to navigate through the magazine and ensures it is clear where each article is located.

Summary The front cover and the contents page follow a successive colour scheme, creating a professional, sophisticated house style, suggesting that the typical ‘Classic Pop’ reader would be well educated and be of a high enough class to have a disposable income to spend of luxury magazines. It follows a black, white and red colour scheme, the red is very effective as it provokes emotions and entices the reader; the black and white also seems professional and informative. The demographic of the magazine is varied as it targets a younger, fresher audience with its current, bold colour scheme and lively, bright front cover. However, its peripheral demographic includes older middle aged people in their late 40s, as that is the era that Duran Duran was at its peak. Also, the company uses binary opposites as it shows men in leather clothing, is an indexical sign of motor biking, which stereotypically is a manly activity, contrasting with a pastel, typically girly background, which reveals how varied its target market is.
