Clarity: Storyboard


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Fade in from black, birds-eye-view Steadicam shot of Lily crawled into a ball on bed in funeral clothes. Lily straightens out to lie flat on the bed, turns and jumps out>

Match-on-action Steadicam mid- follow shot, as Lily jumps out of bed turns to walk back along the bed, running hand on the duvet

Match-on-action close-up follow shot of hand on the duvet

Return to Birds-eye-view as she reaches end of bed

Return to close-up to mid-follow shot as she walks through the door

Steadicam Follow-shot from low angle showing the shoes, follows to show lily entering the bedroom>MOA in the following shot

Shot continues from lounge, starts as a mid-shot can see the jacket lily was wearing at the funeral which has the ‘clarity eyes’ on the back.

Continuous shot starts, with Lily sat on the sofa sipping tea- steadicam wide shot

Cross lens cuts as guests walk across shot lily should disappear in-between some of these pause start zoom into close up

Zoom in, places cup on saucer, blinks cuts out

Match on action blink closeup in grave yard, pan down to wider shot of grave

Pan down to placement of flowers, pan back up follow close up of flowers walking towards grave

Following mid-shot of people carrying coffin

Match-on-action steadi-cam shot from behind

Panning shot across audience with speaker in the background

Follow mid walking down aisle focused on flowers, lily turns back and stands still to face the coffin/screen focus on jacket to show closed eyes and Sento Vivo “feel alive” pan up to screen match-on-action

(Footage no longer reversed) close up of back of open eyed jacket follow shot, lily turns to smile at the camera

(Footage no longer reversed) close up of back of open eyed jacket follow shot, lily turns to smile at the camera

Match-on-action Extreme close up, tears fall down cheeks, pan down to show writing letter

Match-on-action Extreme close up, tears fall down cheeks, pan down to show writing letter

Same as opening sequence in full black and white and other costume

Camera blurs out of focus fade to black
