Christmas in the uk


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In the UK, we send Christmas cards to our family members and loved ones.

At school, children make Christmas cards for their parents and teachers.

In most primary schools, the children perform a Nativity Play for the parents.

Christmas Pantomimes are very popular.

Most families will go together and watch a well known children’s story performed on stage by famous actors and actresses.

Popular stories are Jack and the Beanstalk, Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

Children (and some parents!) knock on doors in their neighbourhood and sing carols to their neighbours.

Popular carols are:

Silent Night

Away in a Manger

White Christmas

It often snows in England at Christmas.

The games we play in the snow are:

Snow angels


Build a snowman

We count down to Christmas by opening a door on our Advent Calendars every day.

Chocolate calendars are the most popular amongst children.

We pull Christmas crackers at the table on Christmas day. Inside there is a paper hat, a joke, a prize and a fact.

Traditionally, we kiss underneath the mistletoe.

For English people this is different, as usually we just shake hands.

On Christmas Eve we:

- Put presents under the tree

- Go to a Christingle

- Leave mince pies for Father Christmas

On Christmas Eve night, Father Christmas visits houses and leaves presents for good children.

On Christmas Day, we exchange presents and eat a big dinner with family.

There is also the Queen’s Speech on television and Christmas films.

On Boxing Day, people play or watch sports.

Football and horse/dog racing are very popular on Boxing Day.

The name ‘boxing day’ comes from the day after Christmas when people would give left-overs to the poor in a box.

People also eat their second Christmas Dinner!