Choosing a Plastic Surgeon for Your Liposuction



If you’re considering liposuction, you’ve likely got a lot of questions—as you should. Before undergoing any elective surgical procedure, it is important to get all the facts before making any decisions, such as which plastic surgeon you should choose.

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Edelstein Cosmetic | (647) 931-5358|

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Choosing a Plastic Surgeon for Your Liposuction:

Key Questions to Ask

If you’re considering liposuction, you’ve likely got a lot of questions—as you

should. Before undergoing any elective surgical procedure, it is important to

get all the facts before

making any decisions,

such as which plastic

surgeon you should

choose. When meeting

with prospective

surgeons, bring along a

list of any questions you may have, such as:

1) What is your background in liposuction? Ask if the surgeon is

board-certified for liposuction and by whom, how many years he or

she has been performing liposuction, how many lipo procedures the

surgeon performs on average every month, and where you can find

samples of his or her work.

2) Am I a good candidate for liposuction? There is a pervasive

misconception that liposuction is a treatment for weight loss, and

many who desire liposuction may not be good candidates for it. Talk to

the surgeon about what liposuction can do for you and whether that

meets your goals.

3) What liposuction technique will work best for me? Discuss with

your potential surgeon whether you should opt for tumescent or

ultrasound-assisted liposuction—each has its benefits and potential

complications, so make sure you discuss which type is right for you

Edelstein Cosmetic | (647) 931-5358|

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and that your surgeon is certified for that particular

liposuction technique.

4) How long will the liposuction process take? You’ll want to find out

not just how long the procedure takes, but what your healing time will

likely be, in case you need to take time off work or make other

arrangements while you are recuperating. Talk about what you can do

to prepare, including any heath or diet changes and if you need to

begin or stop taking any medications or vitamins.

5) What side effects can I reasonably expect? Ask about what

recommendations your surgeon has about what medication to take

post-procedure, how long you can expect pain and swelling, and any

restrictions regarding walking, exercising, and bathing. Talk about how

it is best to manage any unexpected or severe side effects—it is wise

to get your surgeon’s emergency contact information in case any

unforeseen complications arise after your liposuction procedure.

6) What is the entire cost of the procedure? Ask about the costs of

anesthesia, medical tests, post-surgery garments, and medications as

well as the surgeon’s fee and the medical facility or hospital costs.

Your health insurance will likely not cover elective liposuction, so get

the full cost up-front. Lastly, remember that finding the right plastic

surgeon for you is just as important as how much your procedure will


At Edelstein Cosmetic, we are here to answer any and all of your questions.

Simply call us at (647) 931-5358 to schedule a consultation. You can also

view our contact page here.
